Personal score = 2.6
Husband’s score = 2.6
Morally virtuous person’s score = 3.5
This assignment was both interesting and somewhat eye-opening. I had never really stopped and taken the time to analyze how I identify with humanity. I was not surprised to see that my husband and I scored the same, as we share many of the same viewpoints. However, although our scores were the same, the answers we gave to the statements were not. In some areas, he marked E where I had put a B or C. This led to an interesting conversation between the two of us, as to why we put the response that we did. One of the greatest areas of difference was in the American citizen questions, and those pertaining to people all over the world. My husband is originally from Canada (he has dual citizenship). He said that he believed this led him to score a stronger sense of responsibility to the world, as he had had the experience of living in two countries with two very diverse groups of people. He stated that he feels tremendous pride and closeness to people on both sides of the US/Canadian border.
The morally virtuous person I chose was my grandmother. She is very honest, loves everyone, and is always attempting to help out those less fortunate. Her score was almost a full point higher than mine. She is much involved with her community than I am and is very active in her church and community events.
To come together as a society, I feel that we all must learn to embrace each other’s differences. Skin color, sexual orientation, gender, religious views, political affiliations, countries we call home, etc. are all unique and different for every person on earth – however, underneath all of these varying aspects of humanity, is the one universal thing we all have in common. We are all human beings. We may all look/live/speak/love differently, but at the end of the day, we are all the same inside. In order for the world to become more accepting and embracing of all, I feel that more cultural training should be provided in schools and even in the workplace. As humans, we tend to fear or dismiss what we don’t understand. If we could all learn more about the varying differences that make up our fellow students, neighbors, and coworkers, perhaps we could find more ways to relate and feel more united.
(2)Scores from each IWAH survey:
Mine: 3.25
Spouse: 2.75
Moral Exemplar: 4.4
I tend to view people as people regardless of national origin. Countries, states, cities, etc. are human inventions. Thus I don’t have a strong state or national identity. That said, I have a somewhat insular life, in that I have a small group of friends with whom I periodically socialize, but I spend a great deal of time at home. As such, I didn’t rate high on association of community, country, and world as family or having a strong sense of loyalty. I wife’s vicarious score is lower, as she would make greater distinctions between others and family, and in some cases Americans and people of the world.
The moral exemplar’s score is higher because this gentlemen is a proponent of universal ethics and morality and actively works to educate on and promote the idea of wellbeing for all people. Thus, I gave it my best shot at responding as he would.
As far as a plan to increase a sense of identifying with all humanity, I suggest exposure to more movies from countries outside of America. I think it is safe to say that the majority of humans enjoy movies. Thus, to gain a sense of enjoyment from a movie produced outside the US with non-American actors in their own setting can possibly open one up to identifying with characters from other nations and vicariously experiencing their plight and resolution. Netflix is a good place to start, as they have movies and TV series, with subtitles, from other nations.
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