100 question political science 90 min limit

Category: Education


91.  The fact that Americans want more government services but also want tax reduction shows that opinions are frequently


92.  The process by which individuals acquire their opinions is called


93.  During his first year as president, George W. Bush


94.  The American political culture affects public opinion primarily by


95.  Sources of polling error include


96.  In their relationship with candidates, the political party can expect that


97.  Which of the following is not part of the First Amendment?


98.  Although party organizations are weaker today than a century ago in terms of their control over campaigns, they have staged a comeback of sorts. The main indicator of this comeback is


99.  If the sampling error in a properly conducted poll is plus or minus 4 percent, and the poll indicates that candidate X has the support of 60 percent of the respondents, then the probability is high that candidate actually has the support of


100.  The most fully organized interests are those that represent

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