2 Responses due by 11:30

Category: Psychology
  •  analyzing the best practice points that were addressed. In  response, offer two additional points that your peer might consider.

This learner had the pleasure of reading multiple posts from Capella students from the IGuide group. The posts were on the best practices in making recommendations for collaborations in regards to the multidisciplinary approach. This learner gained insightful information from her fellow Capella peers regarding the collaboration process, recommendations, and the action plan to help clients with their complex problems in a multidisciplinary approach. This post provides a detailed synopsis of information this learner learned from her Capella peers from the IGuide group. Also, provides additional research-based information of best practices for developing courses of action.

A Synopsis of the Best Practices in Making Recommendations and Developing Course of Action

The Client

According to Rudy and Levinson (2008), the best practice approach is identifying and evaluating the effectiveness of meeting the client’s needs. A good attribute in the course of action process is to consider the client as a whole person and create a plan of action that recognizes that one problem can affect, influence or bring more troubles. Woodside and McClam (2015), suggest some professionals do not understand their client expectations. Having knowledge the client expectations is a good method of establishing and growing the client-professional helping relationship (Woodside & McClam, 2015). One best practice approach is to have a clear understanding of the client needs, client expectations, and a clear plan of how to meet the client’s needs and expectations. It’s easy for professionals to take over the multidisciplinary process without including the client. Therefore, client participates in the multidisciplinary 4-step process is a vital best practice. The client should never feel abandoned during any part of the multidisciplinary process, and the collaborative team should make modifications to the recommendation and action plan if obstacles arise.

The Professional

Meek & Newell (2005), suggest working together as a team can bring different perspectives to building each step of the framework, as the collaborative team works on shaping the best course of action and suitable recommendations. A collaborative teamwork helps professionals impart their knowledge and maximize their creativity, which helps each professional to focus on own professional disciplines.

Bronstein (2003), suggest recommending a model for interdisciplinary collaboration between human services professionals, which includes five key components: Interdependence- which emphasizes teamwork, Newly created professional activities- which refer to the creation of new processes, Flexibility- which empowers team spirit and efficiency, Collective ownership of goals, Reflection on process-sharing and feedback which strengthens the relationship.

Skills Needed

The work of human service delivery is an interdisciplinary endeavor that requires knowledge of professionals with an understanding of society and its relationship to individuals, families, and communities who view cultures where people reside (Woodside & McClam 2015). Professionals should have clear goals and structured recommendations for the collaborative team to proceed with a specific action plan. Leaders should possess communication, assessment, and critical thinking skills and stay committed to the recommendations, as well the action plan, regardless of the actions or motivation level of the client.


The best practice for applying the multidisciplinary process when making recommendations is focusing on the main problem, identified by the team. Recommendations must be driven by the team’s understanding of the client and the main problem.

Once the team gathers the facts, focuses on one area, and discusses recommendations; the client should not become overloaded with too many tasks because anxiety or fear can overtake them and the whole process becomes unproductive.

Action Plan

The key to a successful plan of action is the ability to clearly communicate why action is needed, motivate individuals to achieve, and ignite their passion by making a difference (Capella n.d,). If a team member disagrees with a course of action, most likely the goals in the collaboration process were misunderstood or steps in the multidisciplinary approach were not completed, as suggested by Kolbe and Boos (2009). The plan of action should outline the issues into clear, concise, and actionable items of recommendations to execute.

Two additional points to consider; the foundation of the course of action is framed by the interdisciplinary theory, which recognizes the distinctive aspects of a complex method that is analyzed and synthesized by varies viewpoints, as well as integrated into a shared goal (Meek & Newell, 2005). Jimerson (2010), suggests the best practice for developing the best course of action is embracing multiculturalism in collaborative team sessions and reexamining the recommended course of action.


According to Meek & Newell (2005), teams that work together bring different viewpoints to building each step in the framework of the multidisciplinary approach, as the collaborative team seeks a determination to the best course of action, along with specific recommendations. Truly, professionals must build a framework for each step and main problem by adding goals to each step and identifying a solution. Afterward, the outcome of the course of action should be measured by its success or failure.  

Response/ GiGi

Disccussion 2

  • Present an example of a time when you participated in a collaborative session where there was disagreement. How was this addressed, either by you or someone on the team?
  • How might the experience have been different if one of the recommendations posted by your peer had been applied?


As a human service professional it is our job to collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds to effectively meet the needs of the client being served (National Organization for Human Services. (2015).


Although it is vital to obtain different perspectives from professionals who are knowledgeable in the area of expertise there are cases when conflict can arise. According to Walden, Javdani, & Allen, 2014 it is essential to identify the role of each individual and the relationship they have with the client. It is important to know who is most influential in the collaborative setting to determine who will try to use their authority to get their point across and understand that power sharing is most effective approach to making connections and producing change. The learner thinks everyone is entitled to express their opinions or concerns in relation to the client’s needs.

As a human service professional collaborating with other professional in various fields the learner would have an open mind and listen to all point of views even ones the leaner may not agree with. Inequality of function amongst all participants could damage the partnership and ultimately hurt the client (Walden, Javdani, & Allen, 2014). Being able to communicate efficiently would make it easier to prevent conflicts. The learner would examine herself to make sure she has no biases against anyone or information given. The learner would also remind me to remain calm and recognize that other individuals may not agree with my thoughts. The learner would internalize that the overall goal is to help meet the client’s needs.  

If the leaner course of action is not considered the leaner would first explain that is out of fairness that everyone voices should be heard. The learner understands that she cannot control anyone actions but only her own. It is important to have a positive outlook at any given situation.  The learner would communicate my stance to the professionals and explain that the learner has a right to be heard. Like the learner stated before the main objective is to develop a plan that will help make the client successful.

Conclusion Human Service professionals must be able to effectively collaborate with others of different disciplines to get different perspectives to determine the best course of action. Although there will be time when individuals will disagree it is necessary to examine oneself, be respectful and communicate any concerns to prevent division. Human service main focus should be to meet the needs of the client.


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