320 wk4 reply

Category: Political Science

Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade.

I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on your topics!  

Instructions: Please respond to the following students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions.  

Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

Read your post.

Response # 1


Thanks for the post but I have to ask…is something missing (I do this all the time)….you wrote, ” The roles of private sectors as far as homeland security intelligence in concerned. ”  This is not really a sentence..is there a phrase missing after concerned. Again, I do this routinely…


Dr Joe DiRenzo

Read your peer post

Response # 2

Kenneth Nati

 Fellow HLSS320 Classmates,

This week we are ask to discuss the roles of both state and local law enforcement and how they should be utilized in Homeland Securities overarching intelligence program. 

            In 2002, the Department of Homeland Security was created but at that time the rest of the intelligence community looked at them as the junior varsity team the “B team”.  While the DHS was looked at as the “B team” state and local law enforcement wasn’t even a pawn in the DHS intelligence program yet.  Throughout the next many years the DHS fought hard with Congress, CIA, FBI and the rest of the intelligence community to be view as a legitimate part of the intelligence community and have a seat at the big kid table.

            In 2006, Charles Allen drafted the DHS Intelligence Enterprise Strategic Place, which put them at the big kid table and wrote in how they planned to use state and local enforcement.  The plan stated that the DHS would “ provide valuable, actionable intelligence and intelligence-related information for and among the National leadership, all components of DHS, our federal partners, state, local, territorial, tribal, and private sector customers.” [1]

            Now how would state and local law enforcement play into this role?  First they formed fusion centers that were to mirror the fusion cells that were formed after the attacks of 9/11.  These cells were to be where federal, state, local, tribal and territorial law enforcement agencies could come to share the information that they collect thus having their own infrastructure.  The plan would be to have lower level law enforcement to gather information on the ground level and produce useful products that other states could use plus federal agencies.  This information would be shared through the DHS’s created Interagency Treat Accessment and Coordination Group (ITACG).

            With the ever-changing environment in regards to terrorism changing and being seen more and more locally the state and local intelligence gathered on the new battlefield is more important that it has been in the past.  Prior to 9/11, local law enforcement focused on crime and emergencies but now they all have to focus and play a key role on terrorism, homeland security and possible global terrorism.  This has caused local intelligence gathering to feed into and add to military and national intelligence. [2]

            Congress also saw what state and local law enforcement could provide so in 2007 they directed the Department of Homeland Security to form The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement (OSLLE).  This office would provide the DHS with primary coordination, liaison, and advocacy from state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies.  The two areas that they would focus on would be to purposes lead the coordination of all DHS policies that relate to state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement when it comes to preventing, preparing, protecting against, and responding to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disaster within the United States.  The other area would be to serve as the primary liaison between DHS and non-Federal law enforcement agencies across the country. [3]

            In ending, I see state and local law enforcement as the boots on the ground and the sources that military intelligence operators run in country.  No knows what is happening on the streets and in the neighborhoods of America better than the beat cops.  The beat cops know the everyday environment, know whom they can trust, and most importantly know what’s wrong.  So yes the FBI can come in with all the backing of the federal government, the funding and all the support but without the local beat cop they come in blind.  With this said the local beat cop plays just as an important role when it comes to stateside terrorism if not more.

Thank you,



1. Blum, Staphanie Copper. 2010. “The Department of Homeland Security and Intelligence: Past, Present and Future”.  (Chapter 5 in Homeland Security and Intelligence by Logan). ABC-CLIO, LLC

2. Cordner, Gary & Scarborough, Kathryn. 2010. “Connecting Police Intelligence with Military and National Intelligence”. (Chapter 7 in Homeland Security and Intelligence by Logan). ABC-CLIO, LLC

3. Homeland Security. “The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement” accessed https://www.dhs.gov/office-state-and-local-law-enforcement

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