5 pages essay

Category: English

 Covering only chapters 1 through 8…

Please don’t write the rest of the book(chapter9 to the end) into the essay

THE HOUSE OF THE SPIRITS( chapter 1 – chapter 8)

Please do a prewriting exercise before you actually begin your university-level, minimum five-paragraph essay.  The university-level, the minimum five-paragraph essay must be evident.  Do not retell the storytelling, but use examples from the story to prove your thesis and topic sentences.  One quote from the novel is required in every one of your body paragraphs. I would like somewhere between 4 ½ – 7 pages written.  Any deviation from these instructions will result in a lower grade.  Times New Roman, 12 point letters, double space, Align Left, full heading on page 1, and header on every corresponding page

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