Comparative Politics: 8 page paper–TOPIC: Are we in the best, the worst of times or a combination of both?

Category: Political Science

TOPIC: Are we in the best, the worst of times or a combination of both?  Use information provided throughout this course to support your argument and be sure to follow the rubric below.

The Final Paper will be a 10-12 page paper (not including cover page and references), written in APA format, Times New Roman, size 12, with 1 inch margins. Students, after completing all readings and assignments for the course leading up to the Final Paper will have a multitude of resources, facts, examples and references to support and defend whether or not they believe that were are:1) Currently in the Best of Political Times, 2) In the Worst of Political Times or 3) A combination of both. 

****Please use Powerpointes attached to use as a guide of what was taught during this course. Please answer the criteria in the rubric below labeled dimensions 1-5.****

Exemplary papers will follow address the major aspect of the assignment’s Grading Rubric (below) and will not deviate from their original claim/thesis. While political views differ greatly from person to person, papers will be scored against the grading rubric without bias and students are encouraged to be open, honest with the understanding that all claims must be supported by evidence they have gathered and cited in their paper.Please note that the Final Paper is the Critical Assignment for this course and must be passed at an acceptable rate in order to pass the course.Grading Rubric:

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