Art 4 page research paper


Saturday June 17 @ 10:00PM


-Organize this material into a 4 page formal research paper.

-It should be double-spaced with a 1” margin and type size 12 pts use Times New Roma.

-Art History, as a discipline, utilizes the MLA style

-Your own choice of citation style will be allowed. Please note: Wikipedia and other “Wiki-” websites ARE NOT acceptable sources of information for any assignment in this class.

-All papers must be in a word format, such as .doc or .rtf.



You are required to view an original piece of art in your area (preferly San Diego, CA) and compare/contrast it to an ancient Egyptian work of art from your text (pyramids, spinx..etc) after analyzing both pieces. Please note: If a museum is not available, try your public library, local community college, or an art gallery for sculptures, parks for statues, or government buildings for paintings.


1. Identification – Provide Identifying details for each work (10 points = 5 points for each work): Artist: Who was the artist?

Title of the work: What is the title of the work?

Date: When was the work created?

Media: How/with what was the work created?

Location: Where is the work from your area displayed? For the work from your text, please also include the page number.

2. Description – What does each work look like? (100 points = 50 points for each work): Describe the subject matter of each work, in detail, using terms from the “How Do We Talk About Art?” section of the Introduction chapter of our text. Identify and discuss 5 formal elements of art (line, shape, color, balance, texture) in detail, for each work. For instance, don’t just tell me there were lines in the work, tell me what kind (straight, curved, horizontal, diagonal, thick, thin, implied, etc.) and tell me how they affect the composition.

3. Compare and Contrast the two works (70 points): ◦Compare and contrast the work to a similar one in your text. For example, if you choose a portrait of a leader, find one in your text; if you choose a building, like a church, find one in your text to compare.

How are the works similar and how are they different? Is the message or function the same? Is the intended audience different? Do they look alike or not?

Discuss such things as subject, symbolism, message, purpose (aesthetic, social commentary, propaganda, etc.) and effectiveness of the works.

Grading Criteria

180 – 162 pts = A

Excels in responding to the assignment; works are properly identified, descriptions are very detailed, the appropriate number of terms are fully discussed, interpretation and comparison/contrast is insightful, understanding and evaluation are clearly communicated, uses a logical structure, sentence style is appropriate, correct documentation is included, and almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

161 – 144 pts = B

Solid response to the assignment; works are properly identified, descriptions are moderately detailed, the appropriate number of terms are moderately discussed, interpretation and comparison/contrast is somewhat insightful, begins to acknowledge understanding and evaluation, uses a somewhat logical structure, documentation may be lacking proper execution, and may contain a few mechanical errors.

143 – 126 pts = C

Adequate but less effective response to the assignment; works are identified, but descriptions lack detail, may be missing one or more terms which are not fully discussed, interpretation and comparison/contrast is simple, structure is random, documentation is poor, and may contain several mechanical errors.

125 – 108 pts = D

Weak response to the assignment; works are not fully identified, descriptions lack detail, may be missing substantial number of terms and/or discussion, interpretation and comparison/contrast is basic, structure is poor, documentation may be missing, and contains many mechanical errors. 

107 – 0 pts = F

Does not respond to assignment, lacks organization, structure, terms, analysis, evidence, examples, and contains awkward sentences and numerous mechanical errors, or did not submit.

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