unit 3 project

Category: Political Science

 Here is where you explain the organization and its financial needs to the individuals tasked with approving your requested budget. You should start on the spreadsheet template (linked below) and include the rationale, which you submitted for Unit II. Make sure you reference and cite (in APA format) any demographic information you list, as well as any other information you have used from your research. Even though it is a fictional organizational budget, you cannot make up the numbers. This exercise is also an opportunity to determine the methods of obtaining revenue for the EMS organization serving as the focus of your comprehensive budget project. Begin thinking critically about how your EMS organization will generate revenue by listing the revenue line items on a budget sheet where you can calculate the total revenue for the budget. There are several different methods of generating revenue, and the methods used can vary greatly for both non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations. Insert details into the revenue section of your budget with the template provided by including each of the following: Rationale for the budget in the Rationale section of the spreadsheet, at least eight methods of generating revenue (insert the descriptions and reference citations template provided), the amount of each line item in the appropriate column, the quantities for each line item, and any references cited on the last page of the template. EMS 4301, Finance of EMS Systems 3Research the relevant methods of revenue that you would like to include in your budget by using the Internet or the 

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