Branches of Government

Category: Political Science

Branches of Government

As you continue to build on your final paper, it is recommended that you review the Final Paper prompt before beginning this assignment. Please be sure to review the feedback provided by your instructor on your Week One and Week Two Learning Activities as well( SEE ATTACHED FILE ON FEEDBACK). The three branches of our government each play crucial roles in the U.S. national government. Each branch has specific power, duties, and responsibilities that are the most apparent features of our system of separate powers. Nevertheless, each branch has been critiqued for having definite strengths and weaknesses that become obvious in certain situations. Analyzing these strengths and weaknesses will enable you to evaluate and recommend ways to enhance and correct these fundamental assets and deficiencies of the branches of our national government.

To complete the assignment, save the Week Three Learning Activity Worksheet(SEE ATTACHED FILE) to your computer, fill out worksheet.

Develop several detailed paragraphs regarding your third main point using the Week Three Learning Activity Worksheet.

Branches of GovernmentSelect one of the three branches of government (executive, legislative, or judicial). Focusing on the one branch of government you have selected, develop four paragraphs that explain one strength and one weakness of the branch of government, as well as options to maintain the strength and correct the weakness of the branch you have selected.

Scholarly Support

A reference list of at least two scholarly with full APA citations is required.While your textbook can be utilized as a source, it does not count towards your two sources for this assignment. Two new sources should be utilized each week to meet the minimum of eight required sources for the final. By finding and supporting your material with these sources each week, you will have the research necessary to construct a strong Final Paper.

Be sure that the sources you are utilizing to support your ideas are valid, reliable, and not overly bias.

Here is the reference for the textbook if you decide to use any information from it: Fine, T. S., & Levin-Waldman, O. M. (2016). American government (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Below is the prompt for the final paper. This is for REVIEW ONLY

America’s Democracy: Your Report Card

The primary goal of your last assignment is to critically analyze the primary features of the American national government. The results of your analysis will indicate what you have learned over the last five weeks. In order to accomplish this task, it is important to critically evaluate the key facets of our American democracy.

You have been preparing for this final assignment each week by constructing a detailed outline of the Final Paper’s main points through the weekly Learning Activities. In addition, you have read the course text and course readings, reviewed videos, and researched additional material for each week’s assignments and for this paper. This week, you will put all of those outlines, readings, reviews, and research together into a one summative paper.

As we wrap up our course, reflect back on what you have learned about the key structures, systems, roles, and processes that embody our national government. Focus on the strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, and positive and negative impacts of these aspects of our democracy. Use what you have learned so far to evaluate our national government and recommend ways to enhance what works and repair what is not working well. It is important to understand that this paper is not simply a cut and paste of your four Learning Activities. While the research you have completed can serve as a strong base it is important that you implement any comments from the instructor, as well as further expand on the material. Appropriate transitions and headings are needed to ensure a cohesive paper.

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