Case Study for Nicohwilliam

Category: HR Management

Unit VIII Case Study

There are two parts to this assignment. You must complete both parts. Each part must be a minimum of one page in length,

for a total of two pages, not counting the title and reference pages. Please incorporate at least two references into the case

study assignment. The assignment should be uploaded as one document, following APA formatting and referencing


Part I: The General Duty Clause

Using the requirements for General Duty Clause violations in Chapter 4 of the OSHA Field Operations Manual (FOM) and

any additional information you can find in OSHA compliance directives or standards interpretations, describe a situation

involving ergonomics that could be cited as a violation of the General Duty Clause (Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act). Explain

how your citation meets the four elements listed in the FOM as necessary to prove such a violation.

Part II: Interpreting OSHA Standards

Search the OSHA standards interpretations and compliance directives for supplemental information on three standards that

are important to your workplace or a workplace with which you are familiar. Discuss what you found for each of the

standards. Does the information change the way you view these standards or what you might need to do to comply with

them in your workplace?

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