Using the most recent 10-K ( from Edgar database at of Sears holdings and Macy’s, please do CA-28 on page 496. The…

Category: Accounting

Using the most recent 10-K ( from Edgar database at of Sears holdings and Macy’s, please do CA-28 on page 496.

The report should be in professional format, and should be submitted to this box until 6/19.  

The following items should be discussed in your report:

1. Common size B/S and I/S analysis

2. All ratio analyses in the text we discussed:  Some ratios or stock price information can be obtained from yahoo finance website  

3. Summary for the Management Discussion & Analysis in 10-K (or in 10-Q) and your opinion.  The MD&A can be available from the SEC website (  

CA-28 Financial Statement Analysis with Actual Annual Report

Perform all of the financial analysis measures discussed in this appendix. Include vertical and horizontal analyses with common size statements. List any of the measures discussed in the appendix that you were unable to perform and state the reasons. Give your evaluation of the company’s financial performance and trend, citing financial analysis measures to support your interpretation. If industry data are available, make a comparison of the company under analysis which its industry norms and benchmarks. Evaluate the position the company holds within its industry.

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