Bay Pointe Security Consulting (BPSC) provides security consulting services to a wide range of businesses, individuals, schools and organizations.

Category: Engineering

Bay Pointe Security Consulting (BPSC) provides security consulting services to a wide range of businesses, individuals, schools and organizations. BPSC has hired you as a technology student to help them with a new project and provide real-world experience to students who are interested in the security field.

Juliet’s Desserts is a regional retailer that was recently purchased by new owners, who want to create security policies. Because they have no experiences in this area, they have hired BPSC to help them.

1.   Make a memo that explains what security policy is, the security policy cycle, and the steps in developing security policy. Please address each point on this task. [4 points]

2.    Juliet’s Desserts is ready to start developing security policies and wants to make the security-related human resources policy first. Create one-page draft of a policy for them. [4 points]

3.    In your words, what is information systems security? How does network security fit into this puzzle of security? [2 points]

Section 2:   Use the web to research and evaluate security products from two competing vendors such as antivirus software, firewalls and antispyware software. For each product, describe its capabilities, for what businesses it is best suited, and its cost to purchase and install. Which is the best product in each category and why?

10 points 

Please ensure that:

There are at least 5 references attached to your work.

Your answers are at least 2000 (total)

You directly address the questions instead of writing a generic answer

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