Increase the frequency of the input signal to 100Hz, choose the appropriate number of samples and sampling rate, and push the quot;Acquire…

Category: Engineering

17. Increase the frequency of the input signal to 100Hz, choose the appropriate number of samples and sampling rate, and push the “Acquire Data” button on the screen. Save the data to disk and plot the data. How has the appearance of the output changed? Why does the appearance of the output wave change as the input frequency increases? 1. What is the most efficient way to implement a complex op-amp circuit that requires more than one op-amp? Describe at least two good ways of debugging an operational amplifier circuit. Draw the circuit diagram for an integrator-amplifier circuit that integrates the input voltage. Solve for the output voltage as a function of time if the input voltage is equal to Equation 19 above. Describe at least two practical applications for op-amps for your robot project.

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