Argument Essay 2

Category: English


Write an essay that takes a specific position on the issue below.  You may use only two outside sources from written material, be that from our text or elsewhere.  You may, however, use interviews or other non-written sources – such as TV documentaries, etc. – for a 3rd source.  Note: Anything from an Internet website is considered a written source.


  • Different cultures have different views of when a person becomes an adult.  In the United States, people are generally considered an adult at 18.  At 18, they can vote, join the military, get married without their parents’ permission, and are legally responsible for their own bills.  In the United Sates, this is often when people move out of their parents’ house.  The United States is a country that believes in independence and autonomy, so many parents expect that their children will move out at 18.  However, given the recession the country has been in for a number of years and the high unemployment rate among recent college graduates, many adult children are postponing when they move out of their parents’ homes or are returning to live with their parents after being unable to afford being out on their own. Peg Tyre writes in her article “Bringing up Adultolescents” that “Relying on your folks to light the shadowy path to the future has become so accepted that even the ultimate loser move — returning home to live with your parents — has lost is stigma. . . . [And] 60 percent of college students reported that they planned to live at home after graduation — and 21 percent said that they planned to remain there for more than one year” (409). In your opinion, is it a sign of “failure” if adult children live with their parents or is it acceptable?
  • One of your written sources must be the essay “Bringing up Adultolescents” on pp. 408-411 in our text Reflect, Inform, Persuade.  Your second written source can be from elsewhere. 
  1. The introduction includes the Thesis statement in the last sentence. DO NOT LIST THE FACTORS IN THESIS (make it umbrella thesis statement). Please, you should answer the question in prompt in the thesis. DONT SAY JUST yes or no. 
  1. Four body paragraphs

First paragraph: Factor one 

Second paragraph: Factor two 

Third paragraph: Factor Three 

Fourth paragraph: Counterargument (opposing view and refute it)

  1. Conclusion
  • Each paragraph should be between 9-12 sentences.
  • Your sources must be documented with MLA in-text citations and a Works Cited page.
  • Similarity (plagiarism) NO MORE THAN 5%
  • Double space. Time new Romans. 12 FONT.
  • Minimum 6 pages.
  • should be a full draft with an introduction, thesis, developed body paragraphs, examples, a conclusion, and at least two sources.

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