Using the given information, solve the following problems( the half lives of all the isotopes will need to found using the internet.

Category: Science

This is ENVIRONMENT CLASS question, Please help me do that!! Using the given information, solve the following problems( the half lives of all the isotopes will need to found using the internet.) Please show all the work.1. A human piece of pottery is dated at 16,750 years old by using carbon-14. How many half lives have passed since the pottery was make?2. What would the percentage of thorium- 232(parent compound) be in a rock that was dated at 1.4 billion years?3.The concentration of the radioactive isotope potassium-40 in a rock sample is found to be 3.125%. What is the age of the rock?4. A rock is found to contain 3.2 grams of uranium-235, a radioactive isotope. If the rock has undergone 2.75 half lives, what was the original amount of uranium-235 in the rock and how old is the rock?5.An igneous rock originally has 3 grams of uranium-238 in it. When dated , the rock only contains 1.8 grams. What are the parent and daughter concentrations ( in percentages) and what is its age?

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