Step 2: Instructions: to mitosis diagram in your book Vocabulary List: cell cycle, mitosis, cytokinesis, chromosome, DNA, sister ch

Category: Biology

Step 2: Instructions: to mitosis diagram in your book

Vocabulary List: cell cycle, mitosis, cytokinesis, chromosome, DNA, sister chromatid, chromatin, centromere, nuclear membrane, spindle (microtubules), and centrosomes.

set up a mock cell in the G1 phase.

1. Draw or add a photo of your model to show the pairs of UNREPLICATED homologous chromosomes. Label one color “from mom” the other color “from dad”. Are there sister chromatids? Explain.

[Insert labeled and explained G1 phase photo/drawing here]

2. Change the mock cell so that it models the end of S phase.

Draw or take a photo of your model to show a pair of REPLICATED homologous chromosomes. Label at least one centromere. Are there sister chromatids? Explain.

[Insert labeled S phase photo/drawing here]

3. Go online and find a microscope image of prophase.  

Change your mock cell so that it models prophase as shown in the microscopic image.

Draw or take a photo of your model to the prophase cell. Why is it hard to distinguish chromosomes? Explain. Is the DNA in this cell already replicated?

[Insert labeled prophase photo/drawing here]

4. Go online and find a microscope image of metaphase.  

Change your mock cell so that it models metaphase as shown in the microscopic image.

Draw or take a photo of your model to the metaphase cell. Described how your model differs from the microscopic image you found online. How many chromosomes are in this metaphase cell? Explain.

[Insert labeled metaphase photo/drawing here]

5.Go online and find a microscope image of anaphase.  

Change your mock cell so that it models anaphase as shown in the microscopic image.

Draw or take a photo of your model to the anaphase cell. Label: chromosome, spindle, and centrosomes in your photo/drawing. How many chromosomes are in this anaphase cell? Explain.

[Insert labeled anaphase photo/drawing here]

6. Go online and find a microscope image of telophase/cytokinesis.  

Change your mock cell so that it models telophase/cytokinesis as shown in the microscopic image.

Draw or take a photo of your model to the telophase/cytokinesis cell. Label: chromosomes/chromatin, nuclear membranes, and centrosomes in your photo/drawing. How many chromosomes are in this telophase/cytokinesis cell? Explain.

[Insert labeled anaphase photo/drawing here]

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