Inverse square law demonstration. Using a light source such as a light bulb I your home or a candle demonstrate the inverse square law and show that light intensity varies inversely as the square of

Category: Biology

Inverse square law demonstration. Using a light source such as a light bulb I  your home or a candle demonstrate the inverse square law and show that light intensity varies inversely as the square of the distance from the light source. Follow the video instruction here.

For light detector you can download the application lux light meter by Doggo apps from your phone play store. After installing open the app and show your phone screen infront of the light source to read the light intensity. Do the experiments in distances of 20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180 and 200cm from the source and plot a graph of intensity along Y axis and distance along X axis.Interpret your results.Explain how inverse square law was utilized in photography.

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