This paper demonstrates students’ ability to apply Bardach principles to a policy issue in the sport industry. Part 1: Bardach Steps 1-4 1. Start by identifying your client’s position (e.g., NFL commi

Category: Biology

This paper demonstrates students’ ability to apply Bardach principles to a policy issue in the

sport industry.

Part 1: Bardach Steps 1-4

1. Start by identifying your client’s position (e.g., NFL commissioner, IOC President, etc.).

a. Include a very short summary of the power, resources, and/or authority that your

client could bring to bear on the problem.

2. Select one policy problem and identify the root causes of the problem.

3. Describe the most important consequences of the problem.

a. Use both evidence and logic to demonstrate why the problem needs to be addressed.

Remember, one-sided arguments and exaggerated rhetoric are rarely convincing.

4. Provide four to five credible policy alternatives that merit your client’s consideration.

a. Explain the rationale behind each alternative and provide sufficient detail about how

it would work. (Proposed alternatives should be conceptually distinct rather than

slight variations of one another. One of your options should be a “do nothing” or

“status quo” alternative. Describe it in the same level of detail as your other


b. Describe the evaluation criteria that you believe should drive the decision about

which alternative to select. (Bear in mind that your criteria must be operationalized in

your Final Policy Analysis; you are not developing criteria for use during policy

implementation. Be specific about how your criteria would be operationalized in an

analysis. Some criteria may be important not because your client cares about them,

but because other stakeholders care about them. Do not describe how your

alternatives will fare with respect to the criteria; simply describe the criteria. This

Framing Memo will form the foundation for your Final Policy Analysis.

Part 2: Bardach Steps 5-7 (your paper represents step 8).

5. The student should project the performance of alternatives

6. Assess the tradeoffs among alternatives

7. Recommend an alternative.

a. With regard to step seven, make sure to explain WHY you have chosen that

alternative. The analysis should demonstrate the student understands course readings

and be based both on logic and on the presentation and critique of relevant evidence.

Make sure you briefly articulate the essential tradeoffs your client faces.


• Undergraduate students: Paper is limited to eight pages, no less than five.

• Graduate students: The paper is limited to 14 pages, no less than 10.

• This page count DOES NOT include cover page or references; applies to content of


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