Assignment Overview Lisa McDonald is the new VP of HR at Company XYZ. She has been with this company for 4 years and is nervous of this demanding position. While working for Company XYZ as an HR Gener

Category: HR Management

Assignment Overview Lisa McDonald is the new VP of HR at Company XYZ. She has been with this company for 4 years and is nervous of this demanding position. While working for Company XYZ as an HR Gener

Assignment Overview

Lisa McDonald is the new VP of HR at Company XYZ. She has been with this company for 4 years and is nervous of this demanding position. While working for Company XYZ as an HR Generalist, she went to school in the evenings and earned a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management at a local university. As a result of her education, she was the right person for the job when the VP of HR left the company without notice. The CEO decided to “throw” Lisa into this prestigious position of VP of HR. Her first big project was to figure out why productivity levels have been decreasing over the last three quarters. She decided to create a survey. She had all of the employees at Company XYZ take the survey.

After analyzing the results of the “Employee Climate and Work-life” survey, she learned that many of the employees feel as if they are overworked and burnt-out. After conducting some personal research and reviewing the data from the last survey, she learned that many of the employees have over 200 hours of unused sick-time (i.e., 5 weeks) and over 400 hours (i.e., 10 weeks) of unused vacation time. Her employees did not want to take any time off from work. She wondered if it was because they simply loved their job or if they were so overwhelmed with work, they could not afford to take time off from work.

After calling her favorite professor from college, she understands that she has some options. Perhaps it’s time to implement a condensed work week? Perhaps it’s time to give employees the option of working 10 hour shifts, 4 days per week? Perhaps it’s time to offer the senior employees the option of working 13 hour shifts, 3 days per week? Perhaps it is time to let employees telecommute? All of the options have potential and could increase productivity levels and the other issues that emerged from the survey. The only problem is that she needs to discuss the situation with the CEO before she can implement a new policy.

Some specific articles on this topic to get you started:

Dizaho, E. K., Salleh, R., & Abdullah, A. (2017). Achieving work life balance through flexible work schedules and arrangements. Global Business and Management Research, 9(1), 455-465. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Wadsworth, L. L., & Facer, R. L. (2016). Work-family balance and alternative work schedules. Public Personnel Management, 45(4), 382-404. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Beutell, N. J. (2010). Work schedule, work schedule control and satisfaction in relation to work-family conflict, work-family synergy, and domain satisfaction. Career Development International, 15(5), 501-518. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Golden, L. (2001). Flexible work schedules: Which workers get them? The American Behavioral Scientist, 44(7), 1157-1178. Available in the Trident Online Library.  

Case Assignment

Start by reading the following short article that can found in the Trident Online Library:

Ladika, S. (2005). Decompressing pay. HRMagazine, 50(12), 79-82. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library.

Next, complete the following steps to see if you are a red-circled employee or green-circled employee, and more importantly, determine your market value both as a civilian and (if applicable) as a service member. If you are not currently working, then complete this assignment based upon a prior job. Please know that the information within this assignment will remain completely confidential within the course and will only be assessed based on the assignment requirements.

We understand that this assignment can be a little tricky if you are in the military. However, the learning objectives in this assignment will assist you in a number of ways. Furthermore, the following site has some useful information for those in the military where you can put in your MOS and receive civilian work equivalents: O*Net Military Crosswalk Search:

Step 1

Research what the pay range is in the market for a position that is comparable to yours. This information can be located using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( or the Occupational Network Online (

Step 2

Find the midpoint or average of the market pay range for your position.

Step 3

Divide your current pay by the pay range midpoint. If your compa-ratio is above 100 percent, your pay is above market value and, if it is below, then it is below market value.


$76,000.00 (current pay)

Employee Joe Smith = —————————————- x 100 = 76% (Compa-ratio)

$100,000.00 (midpoint)

Strategically using the compa-ratio values during performance appraisals can be helpful to determine the maximum and minimum amounts for salary increases. Usually, an 80%-100% compa-ratio is the norm; however, each organization will have their own standards. In the example above, a raise would be necessary.

As a practical example, if an employee “exceeds expectations” in all areas of a performance review and has a current compa-ratio of 76%, then the HR manager can recommend a higher raise to meet the specific organization’s minimum standard of all jobs having a 80% – 90% compa-ratio to stay competitive in the market.

Once you have finished computing your compa-ratio, write a 1- to 2-page paper addressing the following questions:

  1. Discuss your calculations, your compa-ratio, and the impact of your compa-ratio compared against the market. How satisfied are you with your pay and why?
  2. Next, as an HR Manager, what are the implications of all employees being underpaid in a company? How would you deal with this dilemma? How does employee and organizational performance relate to compensation?
  3. After conducting some research and reading the background readings, how would you determine a fair pay adjustment budget?

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