Write 6 pages with APA style on Sexual Fluidity. The investigation through the matter of sexual orientation voyages through the physical, health, and psychological aspects of the sexual orientation in males and females. Sexual orientation is bliss from God attracting various genders managed by various factors be explored through this paper.
The sexual orientation of an individual can be homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual which is always subjective to genes, hormones, the status of the psyche, or other communal factors. “There is a long-standing debate on the role of genetic factors influencing homosexuality because the presence of these factors contradicts the Darwinian prediction according to which natural selection should progressively eliminate the factors that reduce individual fecundity and fitness.” (Iemmola & Camperio-Ciani, 2008, para.1). The genetic step but cannot be modified but are passed from the parents to their children.
The distinctions in the male and female sexual orientation have been the eager region of psychological learning. It is made clear that “the male model of sexual orientation has been rejected in women.” (Diamond, 2008, p.17).
That implies the truth of the differences in the sexual orientation of male and female. “The challenge of sexual orientation in women and understanding how biological influences function in women remains to be adequately addressed.” (Diamond, 2008, p.17).
These were the proclamations of Brian Mustanski and his colleagues who were psychologists investigating the facts of sexual orientation. The surveying made effectively can only identify the truth hidden behind the sexual behavior in humans. “Sexual thought, behavior, and development are governed by a range of interactions between biological and social processes that can be exceedingly hard to disentangle.” (Diamond, 2008, p.17). The qualities of society and attitude have been inclined to the investigation on the sexual orientation of males and females. The sexual orientation scrutiny leads to the fact that even the societal and philosophical issues are also equally powerful.