Final Paper Instructions
1. Identify the most productive meeting in which you were a participant. This can be any meeting including but not limited to one conducted in your place of employment, a community organization, a religious organization or your school.
2. Make a list of the characteristics that described these meetings and the people leading the meetings. What steps did the meeting leader take during the meeting? What attitudes and approaches were utilized?
3. Identify the last meeting in which you were a leader. This can be any meetingincluding but not limited to one conducted in your place of employment, a community organization, a religious organization or your school of even your friends/family if necessary.
4. Make a list of characteristics to describe the last meeting you led or participated in as a manager. What steps did you take during the meeting? What attitudes and approaches did you utilize?
5. Compare and contrast the characteristics of both meetings.
6. based on your analysis, write a paper that analyzes how you can improve and implement positive change in future meetings that you lead.
Instructor Notes: Final Paper
Outline (Suggested Deadline): Nov. 10
Rough Draft (Suggested Deadline): Nov. 18
Rough Drafts may be submitted to the instructor through Course Messages. Please attach a copy of the rough draft in an editable format to the message. The instructor will review rough draft submissions until the deadline for the paper. The instructor will only review rough drafts based on availability. Therefore, papers submitted earlier will have a greater chance of receiving comments before the due date.
Completed Draft (Submitted to Professor): nov 28 @ 11: 59 PM CST
_ What is the general purpose of the paper? To inform.
_ What is the specific purpose of the paper? At the end of my paper, the audience will have a better understanding of how I can improve the meetings I lead.
_Who is my audience? The professor and other WTAMU students.
_ How do I organize my ideas? Mind-mapping, See the Course Introduction folder for the Writing: Planning module.
Thesis Statement: By examining recent meeting characteristics, a better understanding of the positive and negative aspects of varying meeting styles may be explored through applying and analyzing the events of the meeting against conflict management principles.
Main Point 1: [Meeting #1] demonstrated several characteristics that adhere to the suggestions of Raines (2013) and that worked well for the meeting participants.
Sub Point 1: [Meeting #1] utilized a facilitator which is a commonly used process in large-group collaboration as according to Raines (2013).
Main Point 2: [Meeting #2] demonstrated several characteristics that adhere to the suggestions of Raines (2013) and that worked well for the meeting participants.
Sub Point 1: [Meeting #2] utilized a previously established agenda which is a process necessary for participant understanding as according to Raines (2013).
Main Point 3: From [Meeting #1] and [Meeting #2], there are several lessons that can be learned employed by managers to ensure the success of organizational meetings.
Final Paper Checklist
Basic Checklist per the Course Introduction’s Course Review
My paper focuses on conflict management and resolution principles and theories.
My paper does not focus solely on my personal experience.
My paper is written with formal grammar and composition.
My paper is written in third person voice.
My paper is in APA format.
Please review the APA formatting module in the Course Introduction folder for more information.
My paper is at least 2,000 words.
Assignment Checklist per the Final Paper module.
My paper selects only two meetings to analyze.
My paper compares my meetings to concepts in the course readings.
My paper includes enough outside sources to clearly inform the reader.
My paper will be submitted to the Turnitin folder by the due date.
The dropbox can be accessed through the Final module.
Writing Checklist per the Course Introductions Writing Modules.
My thesis statement is in the first paragraph.
Every paragraph in my paper has a clear topic and topic sentence.
For every claim I make, I provide evidence, an example and/or supporting detail.
I do not use colloquial phrases within my writing.
I do not ask rhetorical questions within my writing.
I do not use bullet points within my writing.
Instead, I aim to use well developed paragraphs.
I do not end paragraphs with a quote from an outside source.
Instead, I aim to explain the quote and provide a transition sentence.
APA Checklist per the Course Introduction APA Module.
I did not include a title page or abstract in this paper because it is not required within this course.
I have an APA style header that includes all capital letters and a page number.
I have a title present and centered on the first page of my paper.
If I include any direct quotes, I include a page or paragraph number within the in-text citation after the quote.
I have a properly formatted references page (not works cited).