The annotated reference list of ethical standards

Category: Philosophy

Create an annotated reference list of ethical standards that includes at

least two different ethical standards related to your program. An annotated

reference list includes the citation for the document you located (in APA

format); then, a brief description of the resources is included beneath the

citation. The description should be written in your own words, paraphrasing

the materials you’ve found (not using any direct quotes from the

materials). Please format your annotated reference list to include the

following three items:

1. Name of the standard.

2. The reference to show the date of the standard and where it can be

located (APA format; include the link if it is located on a web page of a

professional organization).

3. A brief description that notes the year these standards were

implemented and if you can locate any information about when the next

revision will be published. Also include in this description the process

you will use to stay informed regarding any proposed updates or revisions

to these ethical standards.

Part Two

Document the location of the laws regulating the practice of counseling in

your state. These will be the regulations that outline the requirements for

becoming licensed/certified in the state, as well as the laws pertinent to

the practice of counseling (such as requirements for continuing education,

mandated reporting laws, and so on).

*Do not*

*use . The laws

regulating the practice of counseling in your state can be found on your

state counseling board website, or through your state counseling

association. School counselors should check with the state board of

education. There are also helpful resources found on the Capella Licensure

Tool on iGuide

. *

– In your own words: Describe where you found these laws and include the

link to the Web site.

– How are notices about new laws and regulations in your state made

available to practicing counselors? For example, some states allow

counselors to sign up for email notices of new legislation; or it is

published in the state counseling journals/newsletters. Do some research to

find out how this information is provided in your own state and provide a

brief description of how you will stay informed about new laws and pending

legislation made available to counselors in your state. Include the full

references to publications or links to Web sites where this information is


Part Three

Use the presentation *Locating and Integrating State Laws and Ethical Codes* in

this unit’s study (located in the assignment resources) to apply your

knowledge of laws and ethical codes to particular issues:

*Select three (3) issues* from the presentation that may arise in the type

of setting in which you will be working *and for each selected issue*,

complete the following:

– *Determine *whether your response to the situation would be guided by

an ethical standard, a state law, or both, for each issue.

– Identify at least 2 specific state laws and 2 specific ethical

standards that are relevant to each issue. In other words, list the code

number for the applicable laws and the ethical standards. For example, if

the case involves supervision of a counselor, I might reference the Ohio

Revised Code (ORC) 4757-17-01 “Counseling supervision”, and the ACA (2014)

code F.2.a. “Supervisor Preparation”.

– Write a description of why these laws/standards are applicable in this

case, considering how the specific laws and codes inform responsible

counseling practice.

– What are the specific decisions, actions, and/or steps you would take

in order to behave in a legal, ethical, and professional manner?

Submission Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

– *Written communication*: Develop accurate written communication and

thoughts that convey the overall goals of the assignment and do not detract

from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level

writing skills.

– *References*: Your reference list *must include:*

– The 2014 ACA *Code of Ethics* and another relevant set of standards

(ASCA, AMHCA, etc.) .

– An APA-formatted link to your state’s rules and laws.

– Distinguished submissions will likely exceed this minimum


You must use APA sixth edition style to format your references. Refer to

the iGuide page APA Style and Format for more information.

– *Number of pages*: The length of your paper should be 4-5

double-spaced pages. *Note*: Page count does not include cover page or


– *Formatting*: *Use 12-pt, Times New Roman font; MS Word documents only*


Use APA sixth edition formatting, including correct in-text citations,

proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and

subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper

paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets. Refer to the

iGuide page APA Style and Format for more information.

You are required to submit your final version of this paper to Turnitin to

generate a final report prior to submitting the assignment for grading.

From the Turnitin tool, use the Final Report option for the assignment.

When your paper is downloaded and viewable in Turnitin, save the

originality report. Refer to the

Tutorial: Viewing Originality Reports (linked in the assignment Resources)

for guidance.

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