I need help with writing my journal 4 thats due thursday 02/02/17 by 5pm

Category: Science

Please make sure this journal entry is ORIGINAL and has good grammar. No cover sheet and only have to be 200 or more words single space..

Current Events Journal

Find an article, website, or video that has information relating to Human Ecology (how humans interact with their environment).  They can be from any time period.

Write a brief summary (200 words) and post the web address (so I can access it) by Thursday.  The syllabus recommends 600 words, however I am only requiring 200 words—if you want to write more feel free to do so. Respond to one other post by Sunday.

Please do not copy and paste from the article—this will be considered plagiarism.  I want you to write a short summary in your own words

Some good places to look for information are

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