Problem #1 (20 points)
Display the CustomerID, the customer’s name, the shipping city and state. Show the customer’s name in one column as the LastName concatenated to the FirstName separated by a comma and a space – for example: Brauda, Pamela. Show the city and state in one column separated by a comma and space – for example: Jacksonville, FL. Only show customers with the same shipping and billing address. Order the results by the state in ascending order. Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.
Problem #2 (20 points)
Display the LastName for ALL the records from the Customers table and any associated OrderIDs from the Orders Table. Show the LastName even if they do not have any associated orders. Order the results by LastName in ascending order. Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.
Problem #3 (15 points)
Display the CustomerID and the sum of the associated ItemPrice multiplied by Quantity; use Gross Sales (with a space) as the column name for the calculated column. Only show those orders where the Gross Sales amount is more than $500.00. Display the results in descending order by the Gross Sales amount. Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.
Problem #4 (15 points)
Display the customer’s LastName, the OrderID, and the ItemPrice for all orders that have an ItemPrice that is greater than the average ItemPrice. (**Solve using a subquery**.) Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.
Problem #5 (30 points)(requires multiple slides)
a. Insert the following record into the Customers table:
EmailAddress: , Password: theSheik050695
FirstName: Rudolph, LastName: Valentino
Use a SELECT statement to show the record in the table. Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.
b. Modify the record just entered by setting the BillingAddressID and ShippingAddressID to match Erin Valentino’s. Use a SELECT statement to show the modified record in the table. (HINT: use the numeric value or use a SUBQUERY for extra credit!) Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.
c. Delete the record just entered. Use a SELECT statement to show the table without this record. Take a screen shot of the SQL code and results.