UMUC PSYCH354 QUIZ (A++++++)

Category: Psychology


Question 1 (1 point) Question 1 Unsaved

According to David Levitin, there is an importance of music in human culture, and even in ancient times of human evolution, music

Question 1 options:

served little purpose in human communication

served a definite purpose in early human communication

has little variation across cultures

establishes the relationship between music and stress


Question 2 (1 point) Question 2 Unsaved

According to Kagitcibasi, recent, cross cultural studies on the development of intelligence, including the well known Piagetian theory of development, show that these stages of development are

Question 2 options:

inconsistent across cultures, except for sensori-motor stages

common only in children from Western cultures

common only among middle-class children

impossible to measure across cultures


Question 3 (1 point) Question 3 Unsaved

Fill in the blanks:

Studies show that people from Asian cultures, including China pay more attention to___________ that they see in pictures than people from Western cultures who tend to focus on the__________ of these pictures.

Question 3 options:

central figure, dyamic elements

central figure, context

context, abstract figure

context, central figure


Question 4 (1 point) Question 4 Unsaved

Wagner’ research in Mexico and Morocco substantiated the hypothesis that there is a distinction between ___________ may be universal, and ____________ processes based on learning or culture.

Question 4 options:

specifics of memory, essentials of memory

hardware of memory, software of memory

software of memory, hardware of memory

essentials of memory, specifics of memory


Question 5 (1 point) Question 5 Unsaved

Markus & Kitayama(1991) have found that emotions such as anger, frustration, and pride) are found to be more characteristic of ____________and emotions such as sympathy, shame, and feelings of interpersonal communion) are found to be more characteristic of ______________.

Question 5 options:

individualists, rationalists

rationalists, individualists

individualists, collectivists

collectivists, individualists


Question 6 (2 points) Question 6 Unsaved

Segall, Campbell, and Herskovits (1966) found__________ susceptibility to visual illusions in their Western samples than non-western samples, and they also found a/an ____________in illusion susceptibility with age.

Question 6 options:

greater, increase

less, decrease

greater, decrease

less, increase


Question 7 (1 point) Question 7 Unsaved

In cultural contexts where interdependent human/family relations are common, ‘social intelligence’ is valued, and the development of the relational self is encouraged, which contrasts with the promotion of the separated individuated self in the context of human/family pattern of independence.

Question 7 options:




Question 8 (1 point) Question 8 Unsaved

Hemert, Poortinga and DeVijer(2007) found that after controlling for valence and kind of study, the remaining cross cultural variance relating to emotion and cultures was associated with subsistence mode, political system, values and religiosity.

Question 8 options:




Question 9 (1 point) Question 9 Unsaved

According to Dr. Kuhl, one important aspect of language learning is babies which has been scientifically proven is that it takes a human being for babies to take their statistics. In other words, the social brain is controlling when the babies are taking their statistics.

Question 9 options:




Question 10 (1 point) Question 10 Unsaved

In studies relating to the psychological construct of the self, Shweder and Bourne(1984) found that Indian person descriptions involved more stable and abstract traits that have generality over situations, whereas the American descriptions reflected a more situational understanding of the changeable self.

Question 10 options:




Question 11 (1 point) Question 11 Unsaved

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks:

In a study on Samoan adolescents, McDade and Worthman(2004) emphasize the need for an understanding of ________________(two words) as a model to understand stress in the context of cultural change that these adolescents.

Question 11 options:

socialization release

socialization ambiguity

socialization clarity

socialization conceptuality

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