5 Drama Terms – Trifles By Susan Glaspell

Category: English

•           After Reading Trifles

Choose any five of the terms from the list below In bullet form, supply the term with an example of how that technique is being used in the play and why it is important to the play.


•           Gesture: When Mrs Hale opens the box, she immediately puts her hand to her nose.  This is important because the audience understands that it isn’t just a pretty box; there is something in the box worth noting.


•           Aside

•           Catastrophe

•           Catharsis

•           Comedy

•           Comic Relief

•           Convention

•           Deus ex machine

•           Dramatic Monologue

•           Dramatis personae

•           Fourth Wall

•           Gesture

•           Monologue

•           Pathos

•           Props  

•           Recognition

•           Resolution

•           Reversal

•           Rising Action

•           Satire

•           Soliloquy

•           Stage Direction

•           Staging

•           Subplot

•           Tragedy

•           Tragic Flaw

•           Tragic Hero

•           Unities

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