Complete the “What Is My Big Five Personality Profile?” self-assessment.
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Self-Assessment 3.1: What Is My Big Five Personality Profile?
Instructions Using the scale below, indicate to what extent each of the following statements describes you.
1 – Not at all like …
2 – A little bit lik…
3 – Somewhat like me…
4 – Like me
5 – Very much like m…
* 1. I talk to many different people at parties.
* 2. I don’t mind being the center of attention.
* 3. I sympathize with other people’s feelings.
* 4. I take time out for others.
* 5. I am always prepared.
* 6. I pay attention to details.
* 7. I am relaxed most of the time.
* 8. I am not easily bothered by things.
* 9. I enjoy hearing new ideas.
* 10. I enjoy thinking about things.
Extraversion Score
Score : 7 pts.
6 – 8 pts.
Feedback: Moderate level of personality factor.
Agreeableness Score
Score : 5 pts.
2 – 5 pts.
Feedback: Low level of personality factor.
Conscientiousness Score
Score : 5 pts.
2 – 5 pts.
Feedback: Low level of personality factor.
Emotional Stability Score
Score : 7 pts.
6 – 8 pts.
Feedback: Moderate level of personality factor.
Openness to Experience Score
Score : 8 pts.
6 – 8 pts.
Feedback: Moderate level of personality factor.