wk 4

Category: Psychology

In this week’s journal entry, you will critically reflect on your own beliefs and biases about your Final Research Paper topic by using the concept of self-reflexivity. Paraphrasing Crapo (2013, sec. 1.3), self-reflexivity is the process of confronting one’s own preconceived notions and examining how these may influence how one understands (or misunderstands) others. Understanding biases and beliefs about other cultures helps researchers apply cultural relativism to their work.

For this journal, consider the sources that you summarized for Part I and Part II of your paper in your “Week Three Assignment Worksheet.”

Chesluk, B. (2004). “Visible signs of a city out of control”: Community policing in New York City. Cultural Anthropology, 19(2), 250-275. Retrieved from the JSTOR database.

  • What was your initial response to the sources you read for your paper? Include in-text citations and full reference entries in APA format to all sources you will be using for your Final Research Paper.
  • Can you identify any biases that you might have about the cultural practices you will discuss in either Part I or Part II of your Final Research Paper?
  • Identify any problems you might be having in examining your own culture from an etic perspective or the other culture from an emic perspective. Review Miner’s article Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, (https://msu.edu/~jdowell/miner.html)    and explain how his discussion of Americans (also known as Nacirema) will help you take an outsider’s perspective on your own culture.

The journal entry should be at least 350 words in length.

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