Psychology for Life Paper

Category: Psychology

Due Date: Mar 12, 2017 13:59:59       Max Points: 100Details:

Complete an interactive stress quiz located at one of these Stress Management websites: or

Write a 500-750-word “Psychology for Life” Paper in GCU style. Please include two to three references from the readings or videos for this week. Apply appropriate citations in the body of the paper. Look at examples in the Writing Center or the Purdue OWL to assist you.

Use the questions below to help outline your paragraphs:

  1. What did the self-assessment tell you about your level of stress? Were you surprised by the results? Explain.
  2. How does stress impact the body? How do you recognize “signs” of stress?
  3. The readings for this Module discuss the relationship between motivation, emotion, and stress. After taking the quiz, do you have a new perspective on this dynamic? Describe some times that your motivation and emotion have been affected by stressors in your life.
  4. Describe two ways that you can change stress symptoms you notice.
  5. Describe how understanding the psychology of stress is applicable to everyday life. Discuss topics such as relationships with others, work, school, etc. How might understanding psychology help you in your everyday life?

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Stress test score

You have scored over 55


Your health and wellbeing is in serious danger. Your results indicate that you have a lot of stress in your life and you may not possess the tools to effectively manage it.You must stop and re-evaluate the causes. Step back and look at what it is that is causing you stress and see what you can do to change it.Visit ourfactsheets areaand download our stress guides that will give you the support and knowledge you need right now! To understand stress and recognise its causes and effects, come along to our10-Step Stress Solution Bootcamp. This one-day, no nonsense workshop will give you the tools you need to stay on top of your always-on life.If you need some support along the way, you may wish to use ourOn Line Health Assessment, Stress Coaching Tool and Relaxation Audio Programme.

In the meantime:

In the meantime:

1) Avoid stimulants

  •  – Nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and refined sugar products are all stimulants, so using them when stressed will only prolong your state of stress. Instead, keep yourself well hydrated by drinking water or herbal teas.

2) Get a good night’s sleep

  •  – Bad sleep is both a cause and symptom of stress. Allow your body and mind to relax before bed by creating a wind-down routine. Prepare for a good night’s sleep by removing all stimulants and do something relaxing!

3) Listen to your body

  •  – Your body will tell you what it needs; it is important you tune in and listen. If you feel tired, hungry or thirsty, do something about it.

4) Learn to say ‘NO’

  •  – Simple but effective. Negotiate a mutually agreeable outcome and when ‘no’ is the appropriate response, say it without guilt.

5) Take 5

  •  – Take a break and calm down with a walk, flick through a magazine or listen to some music. Don’t continue with something if it’s driving you crazy, leave it for half hour and come back to it later with a fresh perspective.

6) Exercise your breathing

  •  –
  • Sit or stand in a relaxed position
  • Slowly inhale through your nose, counting to five
  • Let the air out through your mouth, counting to eight
  • Repeat several times. That’s it!
  • As you breathe, let your abdomen expand outward, rather than raising your shoulders. This is a more relaxed and natural way to breathe, and helps your lungs fill themselves more fully with fresh air, releasing more ‘old’ air
  • You can do this just a few times to release tension, or for several minutes as a form of meditation
  • If you like, you can make your throat tighter as you exhale so the air comes out like a whisper. This type of breathing is used in some forms of yoga and can add additional tension relief

7) Organisational tips

  •  –

Make a list of all the things that you need to do:

  • List of them in order of genuine importance
  • Noting what you need to do personally and what can be delegated to others
  • Noting what needs to be done immediately, in the next week or next month or not at all!
  • Create time buffers to deal with unexpected emergencies.

8) A problem shared is a problem halved

  •  –
  • Speak to a friend, or family member about what is stressing you out. Sometimes just speaking to someone can help decrease your stress levels (although, it’s best to be mindful about others’ stress levels before sharing your challenges)
  • If speaking to someone you know isn’t an option, “Mind” have created a great online community where you can safely share and be heard, as well as listen to others:
  • If you prefer speaking on a one to one basis with someone, we recommend calling the Samaritans on their 24hour phone line: 08457 90 90 90

9) Seek professional help – 

  • If you feel you’re at breaking point, visit your GP and ask about counselling. Seeking professional help isn’t admitting defeat or a sign of weakness; it’s merely using the resources around you to find a solution to a problem.  Enquire if your employer has any support provisions in place such as an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) or access to a counselling service.

  Motivation affected by stress of life Finding out about Meniere’s Disease made me want to give up on life. Even now on fuzzy days I want to give up but I look at the overall growth since November. I look at one more class and student teaching and then I am done with school for bachelors moving on to masters.

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