balanced scorecard and excel sheet

Category: Business & Finance

1)Please submit the following homework assignments obtained from the textbook Managerial Accounting, 11th Edition, by Ronald Hilton

Problem 12-44, Chapter 12

Moodle permits posting of 5 files. Use Excel when appropriate and follow the requirements described in the Syllabus

2)Write a paper on the Balanced Scorecard and what is means for the decision-making process – 150 points possible:

  • Length will be at least 5 to 7 pages.
  • Student’s name will be in the header only. No page numbers.
  • One inch margins.  Unjustified right margin.
  • Font should be Times New Roman, size 12
  • APA Formatted document.
  • Double spaced with one extra space between paragraphs.
  • The paper should start on the first line.  No extra spaces at the beginning.
  • Please spell check, grammar check and proof read.
  • At least three scholarly/peer reviewed resources of information should be used and they should be cited within the paper (No pedia’s ie. Wikipedia and .com is not a resource).
  • Provide an extra page at the end of the paper listing your sources of information (reference page).
  • Review the rubric (grading criteria) for this assignment.

    Pts. Possible


    0 – 59 pts.


    60 – 79 pts.


    80 – 100 pts.

    Content & Development


    Content is incomplete.  Major points are not clear and/or persuasive                                       

    Content is not comprehensive and/or persuasive.  Major points are addressed, but not well supported.  Research is inadequate or does not address course concepts.  Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

    Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.  Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.  Research is adequate, timely and addresses course.

    Organization & Structure


    Organization and structure detract from the message of the writer.  Paragraph is disjointed and lack transition of thoughts

    Structure of the paragraph is not easy to follow.  Paragraph transitions need improvement.

    Structure of the paragraph is clear and easy to follow.



    Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting.  Paragraph is inadequate/excessive in length

    Paper follows most guidelines.  Paper is over/under word length

    Paper follows designated guidelines.  Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.

    Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling


    Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.  Language uses jargon or conversational tone

    Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.  Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone.

    Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.  Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.

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