Marketing – Three Essay Questions Due in 3 hours!

Category: Marketing

1. (TCO 1) Discriminate between primary data and secondary data and their usefulness to business decision making, being sure to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Your response should also identify the typical sources for primary and secondary data and what you would rely on most heavily in making your marketing decisions. (Points : 30)

2. (TCO 3) Imagine that you are creating a marketing plan for a company that will sell ice cream cones. As you consider the marketing program, what types of strategy should you consider including in the plan? Propose one specific example of each type of strategy that you are considering, and present your rationale (reasoning) for your strategy selections. (Points : 30)

3. (TCO 4) You are the product manager responsible for a horrible product failure, but in your wisdom, you are evaluating why the product failed. What factors would you consider in your evaluation? What actions could you have taken to prevent the failure? Does product innovation need a willingness to accept failure? (Points : 30)

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