​​ Respond to the post of at least one other learner

Category: Political Science

Respond to the post of at least one other learner. Address the following questions in your response:

  • Do you agree with what the learner finds meaningful about qualitative research?
  • Do you agree with the learner regarding the context in which qualitative research is applicable?
  • Do you agree with the learner regarding the reasons for choosing a qualitative methodology?
  • Do the subjects the learner listed seem amenable to a qualitative research design?

1. Learner Discussion

Unit 1 Discussion 1 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design

Research methods can be placed into two basic categories: quantitative or qualitative. Qualitative research methods have a conceptual basic that is concerned with understanding human behavior from the informantâs perspective (Patton, 2015). It assumes a dynamic and negotiated reality. Quantitative research methods are concerned with discovering facts about social phenomena and assumes a fixed and measurable reality (Neuman, 2002). With regards to methodological approaches, qualitative research data is collected through a participant observation and interviews (Patton, 2015). Data is analyzed by themes from descriptions by informants and data is reported in the language of the informant (Patton, 2015). In contrast, quantitative research methods data is collected through measuring things (Neuman, 2002). Data is analyzed through numerical comparisons and statistical inferences (Neuman, 2002). Data is reported through statistical analyses (Neuman, 2002).

There are many different instances where qualitative research is applicable such as new product idea generation and development (Creswell, 2016). Investigating current or potential product/service/brand positioning and marketing strategy (Goudling, 2005). Strengths and weaknesses of products/brands (Goudling, 2005). Understanding dynamics of purchase decision dynamics (Goudling, 2005). Studying reactions to advertising and public relations campaigns, other marketing communications, graphic identity/branding, packing design, etc (Goudling, 2005). Exploring market segments, such as demographic and customer groups. Studying emotions and attitude on societal and public affairs issues (Goudling, 2005). Assessing the usability of websites or other interactive products or services (Goudling, 2005). Understanding perceptions of a company, brand, category and product (Goudling, 2005). Determining consumer language as a preliminary step to develop a quantitative survey (Goudling, 2005).

Qualitative approaches have the advantage of allowing for more diversity in responses as well as the capacity to adapt to new developments or issues during the research process itself (Creswell, 2013). While qualitative research can be expensive and time-consuming to conduct, many fields of research employ qualitative techniques that have been specifically developed to provide more succinct, cost-efficient and timely results (Creswell, 2013).

Qualitative analysis is the methodology of choice within several subjects. The use of qualitative research marketing provides an opportunity for a diversity of responses within marketing (Goulding, 2005). Marketing provides an opportunity for qualitative research analysis and health care research is also seeing an increase in the use of qualitative research (Al-Busaidi, 2008).


Al-Busaidi, Z. Q. (2008). Qualitative Research and its Uses in Health Care. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 8(1), 11â19.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412995306.

Goulding, C. (2005). Grounded theory, ethnography and phenomenology: A comparative analysis of three qualitative strategies for marketing research. European journal of Marketing, 39(3/4), 294-308.

Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412972123.

Neuman, L. W. (2002). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches.

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