A. 1890s-1940s
B. 1720s-1880s
C. 1900s-2000s
2. Modern artists rejected traditional forms and institutions. True or false?
3. _______ in each of the arts was central to the modernist period.
A. an overflow of emotion
B. Verisimilitude
C. Stylistic variation
D. A return to nature
4. Practitioners of Modernism were heavily influenced by the work of Freud, Marx, Nietzsche, and Darwin. True or false ?
5. Explain stream-of-consciousness as it relates to Modernist narrative.
6. The Lost Generation” were a group of American writers of the 1920s who brought Modernism to the United States. True or false?
7. This author made “Make it new!” his philosophical principle
A. James Joyce
B.Virginia Woolf
C.Ezra Pound
D.Pablo Picasso
8. According to Christopher Butler in his chapter on Modernism, the “modernist object” runs across two parallel dimensions. Name them:
9. This modern poet received the most praise and attention for The Waste Land:
A. Virginia Woolf
B. James Joyce
C.T.S. Eliot
D. Ezra Pound
Fill in the box below:
10. James Joyce’s _________________ is the prime example of a novel whose events are really the happenings of the mind, the goal of which is to translate as well as possible the strange pathways of human consciousness.
11. One significant aspect of modernism is the conflict between “high” formalism and “low” popular culture, which lead to experimentation in the arts. True or false?
12. Literary critics often single out _______________ as the definitive sample of Modernist poetry/literature. A. Farewell to Arms B. The Fountain C. To the Lighthouse D. The Waste Land
13. Fill in the box below: The artists of the _____________ struggled to find some meaning in the world in the wake of chaos.
14. Modernism was a reaction against ________________________ culture and aesthetics.
A. Romanticism
B. Realism
C. Victorian
D. Metammodernism
15. The _________________ is sustained in the making of formal discoveries by the expectation that they will be significant in relation to a particular content.”
A. Reader
B. Critic
C. Publisher
D. Artist
16. This group, __________, among them Ezra Pound, sought to boil language down to its absolute essence.
A. The imagist
B. The postmoderns
C. The Victorians
D. The Neoclassicists
17. How did the “anxiety of influence,” or the weight of the past, affect modernist artists?
18. The Modernist Period was a visceral reaction to the Romantic movement in the arts. True or false?
19. Butler writes of the previous “morally authoritative narrator” who creates a “world which we are expected to recognize.” How does the modernist unreliable narrator complicate this previous conception?