Accounting Finance – Answer 2 budget questions.

Category: Accounting

See the attachment for the budget that you will use to answer question #11 and #12. 

The only questions that need to be answered are #11 and #12. Which are:

11.      Explain why each budget is prepared. Why would management want to see each budget. 

12:   Analyze your results.  Do the budgets look favorable? Explain. why or why not?


For #11: In your answers explain budgets #1 to #10 in two or three sentences. Then explain in two sentences or more why management would want to see each budget. 

For #12: Analyze the results by answering. Use the numbers from the budgets to answer why or why not. 

Look over the Zigby Manufacturing Budget 2015 and answer questions #11 and #12 from the budget. 

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