Studies show that student performance (even in the best performing and most well-funded educational systems) in the U.S. still lag significantly behind other educational systems particularly in math and science than other parts of the world such as Finland, Korea, and Japan. Why do you think this is and what can be done to improve our educational system?
Statistics and Studies are right this is because Finland, Korea, and Japan move at a faster pace than the U.S. and they force their children to go to school. Meanwhile in the U.S. kids aren’t forced to go to school unless they miss a certain amount of day which is still unacceptable. We lack Math and Science is because some of the courses are too hard for some students which causes stress and a step away from having that student drop out of school because of this. Which is understandable for the work to be hard but to drop out is a different story. Something that can help improve this is for the lesson to be taught more fluently and understandable so that it will be less stressful on the students and decrease the average of dropout in the U.S.
I think the U.S. is significantly behind other countries in education like math and science is because education is not their top priority and there’s money, but the difference with the other countries is that they have education as their top priority and they start their kids off at a younger age unlike the U.S. while kids are in front of the tv instead of going ahead and getting their education. I think we can improve our educational systems by putting kids in school earlier and keep them out of the tv and let them watch educational videos. Also, we can improve it by being more disciplined and better guidance towards it to improve our math and science.
ill send the other question and responses on the 16th