Ashley claire

Category: Literature



  • Define style, tone, and irony as they pertain to the study of fiction
  • Identify and describe examples of style, tone, and irony in a work of fiction
  • Describe the effect that style, tone, and irony have on the interpretation of a work of fiction


1.  In your own words, write a brief definition of two of the three elements discussed in this weeks reading (style, tone, and irony)

2.  For one of the stories in our readings this week, describe the use of style, tone, or irony. Be sure to give examples, and explain how the style tone, or the use of irony in the story influences your interpretation of the story.



  • Review what we have covered so far in the class
  • Organize information into a brief summary by through synthesis and evaluation
  • Evaluate your own understanding by identifying unanswered questions
  • Evaluate the material covered by identifying information you found personally relevant or interesting
  • Synthesize course material with previous knowledge and experiences


In a word processing document, answer the following questions:

  1. List as many of the ideas we have encountered in the course so far as you can recall.
  2. In no more than two or three sentences, try to summarize the ideas we have encountered in the course so far.
  3. Write two or three questions that remain unanswered for you.
  4. Describe something that you found interesting in what we have encountered so far.
  5. Describe a way in which what we’ve covered so far, has changed an idea you had about fiction or literature in general, or how you might apply the contents of our fiction module with your previous experience to interpret a “text” (feel free to interpret text loosely). Use examples.

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