I have an assignment due that was a group assignment but the group did the work withpout me because I was in the hurricane. I have to submit the assignments on my own. I have included the previous work that lead to that final project in hopes that someone can do the final project for me. The bottom of the questiopn has what’s due. Please let me know.
Week 4: Structural Framework: Strategic Planning
Failing to plan, is planning to fail.—Alan Lakein
Does the quote from Lakein make you stop and think? Consider that almost 6 in 10 nonprofit human services organizations fail to thrive within 5 years of inception. Think about a human services organization with which you are associated or one with which you are familiar. How can you use a strategic plan to guide the actions of the human services organization? Does the organization’s strategic plan outline the direction and goals of the organization? What other valuable information can you gain by developing a strategic plan?
This week you will explore the core elements of a strategic plan, compare human services organizations, and complete a gap analysis for the human services organization you intend to use for your Final Project.
atti, R. J. (Ed.). (2009). The handbook of human services management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Simoneaux, S. L., & Stroud, C. L. (2011). SWOT analysis: The annual check-up for a business. Journal of Pension Benefits, 18(3), 75–78.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Walsh, M. F., & Schaeffer, P. V. (2008). Exploring gap analysis to evaluate participant satisfaction regarding community development planning programs. Community Development, 39(3), 115–129.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Google. (n.d.). Google sheets. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from https://www.google.com/sheets/about/
Group Wiki: Core Elements of Strategic Planning
FYI Group Discussion: Gap Analysis
A variety of factors may influence the operations of a human services organization and the ability to carry out organizational programs and services effectively. A gap analysis can provide human service administrators with a comparison of organizational performance of similar organizations. For example, a soup kitchen may find that its meal schedule conflicts with another soup kitchen, which results in less availability of food resources for hungry families. A gap analysis also informs human services administrators about areas of improvement in programs and services while also identifying areas of redundancy and overlap. The analysis your team performs this week will serve as one component of the group’s Final Project.
Coordinate with your group to identify the three to five competitors of your Final Project organization. Elect one team member to create a comparative table using Google Sheets (or a similar program for building tables). After it is created, choose File -> Share -> Get a Shareable Link -> Anyone at Walden University with this link can edit. Then, post the shareable link in the Group Discussion area. If you are unfamiliar with Google Sheets, please access this week’s Resources for additional help. Also, see the additional information on collaborating in Google Apps.
Final Project: Group Discussion: Gap Analysis
In the Group Discussion, your team performed the first step of the gap analysis. You discussed with your team similarities and differences among the five competitor organizations and discussed values, mission, and vision of each competitor organization.
This assignment, 1–2 pages:
Based on your teams’ gap analysis table, in this week’s Group Discussion area, describe the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) that exists for your Final Project organization. Include at the end of your document the sharable Google Sheets link or table your team created in the Group Discussion and the resources you used for your SWOT analysis in APA format.
Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course. You should include in your references at least two resources included in this week’s Resources and at least one outside scholarly resource.