Assume that you are preparing for a second interview with a manufacturing company. The company is impressed with your credentials but has indicated that it has several qualified applicants. You anticipate that in this second interview, you must show what you offer over other candidates. You learn that the company currently uses a periodic inventory system and is not satisfied with the timeliness of its information and its inventory management. The company manufactures custom-order holiday decorations and display items. To illustrate your abilities, you plan to recommend that it use a cost accounting system.
In preparation for the interview, prepare notes outlining the following:
Use the following Research Paper Format:
Your Research Paper will be graded based upon the Writing Rubric and receive a maximum of 100 points.
Submit a document containing your research paper as an attachment. Include your surname, module number, and title of the assignment in the document name (e.g., surname_M1_ResearchPaper).