Science can be defined as a systematic approach to acquiring knowledge. Science is based upon facts and evidence rather than beliefs or superstitions. To understand Biology and science, you must first examine how scientific knowledge is obtained. Science is a process that involves several steps. Read the description of the steps involved in the scientific method in the text paying close attention to the steps outlined in Section 1.3. Then pick one of the examples below and describe the steps of the scientific method you would use to test the question or find the solution to the problem. In other words, please design a virtual experiment (using the steps of the scientific method) to test the hypothesis you make about one of the questions listed below.Be sure to identify the steps (observation, hypothesis, prediction, experiment/test, controls, results, conclusions).
1. Student submitted an appropriate and substantive post to the original assignment. This includes addressing all of the original questions/issues in a grammatically correct and logical manner
2. Assignment submitted on time and on a different day than other posts
3. Assignment met word count. You MAY use quotes from a source, but those quotes will NOT count towards your 250 word count requirement.
4. An appropriate scientific website was referenced. MUST put quotation marks around it AND you MUST cite the source at the end of your post. It is NOT simply enough to put a source at the end. You should also include at least one reference in your post. Do NOT use Wikipedia or Yahoo! Answers as a source.