Buddhism 14 page report- only people with history or religious

Category: History

Write a 14 page/approx 5000 word research paper on the topic below. The paper must be double space, 12 point font with one inch margins. Use footnote citations for all ideas, information and quotations. Include page numbers on the bottom of each page and your name and tutorial number at the top of the first page. The last page (page 15) should include an alphabetical bibliography of all of the sources you consulted to write the paper.

How does Buddhism shape social life and politics?  Offer an analysis of how the ideas, texts, symbols, ethics and/or practices of Buddhism shape social hierarchies and politics in terms of:
Modernity vs Traditionalism

You must focus on one historical event, issue, movement or problem,
In one geographical place (one country or better yet one region in one country)
And one time period.
If you write on the 19th, 20th, or 21st centuries you must focus on a 20 year period
If you write on the 18th century or earlier you must focus within 100 years. 

You must identify at least two different interpretations of Buddhism operative in the event/issue/movement and explain how each interpretation has established it authority.


Strong Thesis reqiured regarding the country chosen – india and the time period which is ashokan period(100 years)

A very strong bibliography as well as outline also required please.


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