BUSI 340/ BUSI 340 QUIZ 3 (2016) SCORE 100%

Category: Accounting


Quiz 3

1. Which of the following components are enhanced by individualizing rewards?

2. Self- concept, social norms, and past experiences help us:

3. Which drive in the four-drive theory is reactive rather than proactive?

4. The _____ of human beings are also called primary needs.

5. In expectancy theory Valence refers to the

6. Which of the following statements is consistent with the observations of Maslow?

7. a learned need in which people want to control the environment including people and material resources to benefit either themselves or others

8. According to the four-drive theory, which of the following drives is the foundation of competition and the basis of our need for esteem?

9. According to expectancy theory, an outcome that opposes our values has:

10. Which of the following needs is the strongest according to Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory?

11. In the four-drive theory, the drive ______ is most closely associated with the need for relative status and recognition.

12. Which of the following theories of motivation is based on the idea that work effort is directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes?

13. Which of the following is a way to increase employee motivation by improving the P-to- O expectancies?

14. According to the survey reported in the text, what percentage of Americans say their pay is “variable, such that a portion is dependent upon your individual performance/productivity” targets?

15. A large retail organization previously divided work among its four employee benefitsstaffintodistinctspecializations.Onepersonansweredallquestionsaboutsuperannuation (pension plans), another answered all questions about various forms of paid time off (e.g. vacations), and so on. These jobs were recently restructured so that each employee benefits person answers all questions for people in a particular geographic area. For example, one staff member is responsible for all employee benefits inquiries from anyone in a particular geographic region. This job restructuring is an example of:

16. Which of the following is most consistent with employability namely, that employees are expected to continuously learn skills that will keep them employed?

17. Team rewards are better than individual rewards when employees work in highly interdependent jobs, because

18. _________is the degree to which employees can tell how well they are doing based on direct sensory information from the job itself.

19. Which of these job design actions is mainly a form of job enlargement?

20. A unique feature of Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory is that it:

21. Which of the following is an advantage of job specialization?

22. A mid-sized city introduced a reward system whereby employees would find ways to reduce costs and increase work efficiency. Every employee would receive a portion of the surplus budget resulting from these cost savings. Which of the following reward systems is this city using?

23. Before meeting a new client, a salesperson visualizes the experience of meeting the person and effectively answering some of the challenging questions the client might ask. This activity is an example of:

24. In repetitive jobs, the positive effect of higher proficiency is easily offset by the negative effect of lower attentiveness and motivation caused by:

25. Which of the following rewards also motivate employees to compete for promotions?

26. Which of these performance based rewards tends to create a connection between the 

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