Can anyone do this assignment? Ability to Engage in National and Regional Communities GOVT 2305-National Communities Assignment: Write a letter to your U.S. House of Representatives Member We have

Category: Political Science

Can anyone do this assignment?

 Ability to Engage in National and Regional Communities   GOVT 2305-National Communities Assignment: Write a letter to your U.S. House of Representatives Member

We have a Republic…if we can keep it.

What concerns you?

It is essential, in a legitimate government, for the voice of the people to be heard and heeded. Otherwise, our Republic won’t work. As citizens, it is our responsibility to reach out to those who govern us and direct their actions.

Write a three-paragraph (minimum) letter to your U.S. Representative outlining a problem you see with who gets what, where, when, why, and how, and your ideas for solutions to that problem. If this official has addressed that issue, give them constructive feedback on their approach. You should do a bit of research on the Rep’s stance—on a separate sheet of paper, include two correct citations in APA format for the sources you use.

Go to this website and put in your address to find your member of the U.S. House:

You should use formal business formatting for your outreach and submit your letter and works cited to your instructor. Remember to remain courteous in your writing!

You may find the Purdue OWL website helpful for formatting your communication:

Letters must be typedLate work will not be accepted

A SafeAssign similarity report of 25% or less is required for me to accept the assignment. If your similarity report is greater than 25%, you will receive a zero on the assignment. For face-to-face courses, you must also print out and attach a hard copy of your SafeAssign similarity report and staple it to your letter and turn both in, as a hard copy to your instructor.

Paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. The file extension must be .doc or .docx. No other file formats will be accepted.

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