Can someone help with 2 simple algebra problems

Category: Algebra

clear fractions in the first step by multiplying by the LCD.  Show all work and show the complete check of your answer.

n   +   – 1   =  3n   +   -1

5           4       20          2

An elementary school buys tickets for a field trip to the zoo.  The number of children going on the field trip is 14 times the number of adults.  Tickets for children cost $8.50 each and tickets for adults cost $17.00 each.  If the total cost of all of the tickets is $2720, how many tickets of each type did the school purchase?  Please set up and solve this problem following the steps below:

  1. a)      Define the unknown quantities in terms of one variable.
  2. b)      Translate the question into an equation.
  3. c)      Solve the equation, showing all work.
  4. d)     Write a complete answer to the question asked, including appropriate units.

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