Case Study Paper? Wendy?

Category: HR Management

This paper will summarize the findings of the first two power point presentations and incorporate them into a paper that will add an action plan of major tasks, persons or departments accountable for the actions, time to complete. The time line with be explained in a narrative manner but will also include an action plan in graphic plan such as a Gantt chart, PERT chart, excel spread sheet or just a list of tasks with relevant information.. Students will also identify metrics for the evaluation of the recommended transformation; explain the risks for not implementing the changes, the significance of the strategic and administrative role of Human Resources as it pertains to our case, and description of the resources needed for the transformation.

This paper can be used as a sample in a student e-portfolio to demonstrate knowledge of the strategic and administrative role of Human Resources. The paper is expected to be written in an academic style in APA format and include at least six scholarly sources and their respective in-text citations.

  1. Title Page
  2. Introduction and Purpose of the Paper
  3. Summary or Recap from Previous Presentations
  4. Summary of the Recommended Action Plan of Major Tasks, Persons or Departments Accountable, Time to Complete
  5. Metrics for Evaluating the Results of the Transformation
  6. Risks of Not Implementing the Changes
  7. Description of the Significance of Both the Strategic and Administrative Role of Human
  8. Resources Needed for the Transformation (People, Time, Money, Support from the Top)
  9. Summary and Conclusions
  10. Reference Page
  11. Appendix,  Timeline/Action Plan, Revised Organization Chart, SWOT Assessment Chart

Rubric Name: Assignment 3: Paper (20%)

       CriteriaLevel 5 Exceeds Expectations2.5 pointsLevel 4 Meets Expectations2.25 pointsLevel 3 Meets Some Expectations2 pointsLevel 2 Does Not Meet Expectations1.75 pointsLevel 1 Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations0 pointsCriterion 1 Summary of Recommended Action Plan of Major Tasks, Persons or Departments Accountable, Time to Complete

Summary is complete, thorough and provides excellent description of all the major elements. The summary exceeds the expectations for most papers. 

Summary is generally complete, thorough and provides good description of all the major elements.

Meets some but not all the expectations for being generally complete, thorough and providing a good description of all the major elements.

Summary is not complete, thorough and/or  does not provide a good description of all the major elements

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 2 Metrics for Evaluating the Results of the Transformation

Metrics are excellent, relevant for the transformation and the capabilities of the organization; they are linked well to the objectives of the organization. They exceed the standard submission for this element of the assignment. 

Metrics are good, relevant for the transformation and the capabilities of the organization; they are linked well to the objectives of the organization.

Meets some bu not all the expectations of metrics that are precise and relevant for the transformation and the capabilities of the organization. They are linked somewhat to the objectives of the organization.

Metrics are OK and generally relevant for the transformation and the capabilities of the organization, Could have been even more precise and relevant. 

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 3 Risks of Not Implementing the Changes

Risks were identified really well, were relevant and explained in a convincing and professional/academic manner. The risks were well justified. The segment exceeds most of the submissions for this part of the assignment.

Risks were identified, were relevant and explained in a convincing and professional/academic manner. The risks were well justified. The segment meets the general expectations for this segment of the assignment. 

Meets some of the expectations for the risks being identified, being relevant and explained in a convincing and professional/academic manner. The risks were not totally justified. The segment meets some but not all the general expectations for this segment of the assignment. 

Risks were not identified well or were not relevant or explained accurately and convincingly.

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 4 Description of the Significance of Both the Strategic and Administrative Role of Human Resources

Risks were identified, were relevant and explained in a convincing and professional/academic manner. The risks were well justified. The segment meets the general expectations for this segment of the assignment. 

Good insight and description of the significance of both the strategic and administrative role of Human Resources.

Some insight and description of the significance of both the strategic and administrative role of Human Resources.

Did not provide adequate insight and/or description of the significance of both the strategic and administrative role of Human Resources.

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 5 Resources Needed for the Transformation (People, Time, Money, Support from the Top)

All elements of People, Time, Money, Support from the Top were included and were presented in an exceedingly robust manner with insight and creativity. 

All elements of People, Time, Money, Support from the Top were included and were presented in a complete manner. 

All elements of People, Time, Money, Support from the Top were included but were not all presented in a complete manner. 

All elements of People, Time, Money, Support from the Top were wither not included or were not presented in a complete manner. 

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 6 Summary and Conclusions

Robust, thorough and demonstrated excellent knowledge of the how organizations can transform using the outside in approach. Exceeded the expectations for the summary and conclusions segment. 

Demonstrated good knowledge of the how organizations can transform using the outside in approach. Met the expectations for a capstone class. 

Demonstrated fair knowledge of the how organizations can transform using the outside in approach. Meets some but not all the expectations for the summary and conclusions for a capstone class. 

Demonstrated some knowledge of the how organizations can transform using the outside in approach but did not meet the expectations for a capstone class. 

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 7 Academic Writing Style Including Introduction, Purpose Statement, Citations and References

Writes in an academic and professional, error free manner, includes all the required elements, writing is clear, logical, flows well and is convincing. Citations and references are provided in accurate APA format. More than the six required scholarly sources were included. The writing style exceeds most submissions for the capstone class. 

Writes in an academic and professional, error free manner, includes all the required elements, writing is clear, logical, flows well and is convincing. Citations and references are provided in accurate APA format. The six required scholarly sources were included. The writing style is appropriate for a capstone class.

Writes in a fairly academic and professional, some errors but includes most all the required elements, writing is fairly clear, logical, flows generally well and is somewhat convincing. Citations and references are provided in almost accurate APA format. Some but not all the six required scholarly sources were included. The writing style is not totally appropriate for a capstone class.

Writing does not meet the expectations of a capstone class. Does not write in an academic and professional, error free manner,did not include all the required elements, writing is not always clear, logical, and does not always flows well. . Citations and references are not all provided in accurate APA format. The six required scholarly sources were either not included or were not relevant. 

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Criterion 8 Appendix including Timeline/Action Plan Revised Organization Chart SWOT Assessment Chart

All needed elements including Timeline/Action Plan, Revised Organization Chart. and SWOT Assessment Chart were presented in an excellent format. All were of an exceptional academic and professional level and exceeding most of the submissions for the capstone class. 

All needed elements including Timeline/Action Plan, Revised Organization Chart. and SWOT Assessment Chart were presented in a good format. All were of an acceptable academic and professional level. 

Meets some but not all the expectations for the appendix section. Some but not all needed elements including Timeline/Action Plan, Revised Organization Chart. and SWOT Assessment Chart were presented or were not in a good format. Some but not all were of an acceptable academic and professional level. 

The needed elements including Timeline/Action Plan, Revised Organization Chart. and SWOT Assessment Chart were not presented in a good format or were not included at all. All were not of an acceptable academic and professional level. 

Did Not Submit or Did Not Meet Minimum Expectations for a Capstone Paper 

Overall ScoreLevel 5 Exceeds Expectations18.1 or moreLevel 4 Meets Expectations16.1 or moreLevel 3 Meets Some Expecations14.1 or moreLevel 2 Does Not Meet Expectations8 or moreLevel 1 Failure0 or more 

18.1 to 20 Points

16.1 to 18 Points

14.1 to 16 Points

8 to 14 Points

Zero Points

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