
please need done 2-3 hours

Lab Overview Scenario/Summary You have been asked to create two conceptual database models using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to have you gain familiarity with the various modeling tools needed to create a conceptual model (entity relationship diagram) of a database. You will create two conceptual models. You […]


Use microsoft excel frequence and have accounting and data analysis backgroud. Use data in attachment to make charts eg bar charts. And analysis these data and charts. No more 500 words

The Payment Time Case (ATTN: AcademicResearchPro)

Purpose of Assignment The purpose of the assignment is to develop students’ abilities in using datasets to apply the concepts of sampling distributions and confidence intervals to make management decisions. Assignment Steps Resources: Microsoft Excel®, The Payment Time Case Study, The Payment Time Case Data Set  Review the Payment Time Case Study and Data Set. Develop a 700-word […]

Acct 6

Use the Internet to research the annual report of at least one (1) merchandising company. Determine which costing method (Last In First Out [LIFO], First In First Out [FIFO], or weighted average cost) that is used to record inventory by your selected company. Identify the three (3) primary advantages and three (3) primary disadvantages of […]

What is a income statement and what are the advantages?

What is a income statement and what are the advantages?

account help

u must have Warren, Reeve & Duchac,Accounting, 26thEdition, South Western Cengage Learning book.

Please do not give me other people work

Write a three page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justify: A clear and concise business concept. A thoroughly planned business concept. A capable management structure. A clear-cut market need. Significant competitive advantages for your business. Realistic financial projections. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. A realistic and developed […]

Home Work – consist of three questions

Assignment – is *.docx All necessary documentation to answer the questions is attached in a *.pdf format.

Accounts Receivable

                      Explain the following questions.                       1. How would you describe the entries to record the disposition of accounts receivable?                                 […]

Business 302 week 1 discussion

Explain the major advantages of a business owner with minimal accounting experience maintaining the company’s book. Then explain the disadvantages. Analyze the major impact to the users of accounting statements if the statements are prepared in error. Provide support for your position.

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