
Write a one page memorandum to your instructor with three parts that answers the three following requirements. (Assume that variance accounts are closed to Cost of Goods Sold.)

The reason we use the words favorable and unfavorable when evaluating variances is made clear when we look at the closing of accounts. To see this, consider that: All variance accounts are closed at the end of each period (temporary accounts) A favorable cost variance is always a credit balance An unfavorable cost variance is always […]

Week 2 Federal Taxation Deductions” Please respond to the following:

A couple comes into your office for a consultation regarding their personal taxes. They make $178,000 combined but want to discuss some potential deductions. They inform you they may have new capital losses, depreciation of capital assets, and may have tax credits. Describe the possible deductions and the specific information you may need to complete […]

Intermediate Accounting II Discussion Question

“Inventory Valuations” Please respond to the following: Use the internet  to locate Wal-Mart Corporation’s annual report, and review the financial statements.  Examine the costs that Wal-Mart includes in inventory and cost of sales. Defend the three (3) descriptions that Wal-Mart used to classify inventories, and suggest two (2) other descriptions that Wal-Mart could include within their notes […]

Module 04 Written Assignment – Activity-Based Costing Methods

In a 4-5 page paper, discuss the following: The importance of cost pools and drivers and their application in the ABC method. Give an example of activity-based costing methods by creating a fictitious company. Include a cost analysis. Discuss the 2-3 advantages of the ABC method. Be sure that the paper has no spelling or […]

Module 04 Project – Production Cost Methods- use attachment to complete this assignment!

In a 1-2 page paper, please complete the following: Discuss the production costing method(s) used by your chosen company. Do you feel that these method(s) are appropriate? Why? How do these method(s) impact data analysis? Be sure that the paper has no spelling or grammatical errors.

Purpose:  This assignment is the first of three assignments.  Students will use the tools and apply concepts learned in this and previous

Assignment 1:  External Environment Analysis (Week 3) Purpose:  This assignment is the first of three assignments.  Students will use the tools and apply concepts learned in this and previous business courses to demonstrate an understanding of how organizations develop and manage strategies to establish, safeguard and sustain its position in a competitive market.  Monitoring competitors’ […]

Finer Company uses a sales journal, a purchases journal, a cash receipts journal, a cash disbursements journal, and a general journal. The following transactions occur in the month of May.

Finer Company uses a sales journal, a purchases journal, a cash receipts journal, a cash disbursements journal, and a general journal. The following transactions occur in the month of May.


Using the Library and the Internet, identify a publically held multinational company of your choice. Research its filings to the SEC, particularly the 10-K and 10-Qs. Also, examine its annual report online. You will then prepare an APA research paper including the follow elements: What assumptions is the financial reporting model based on? What principles support […]


In 300 words or more, tell us how cash flow analysis could be used for evaluation purposes at your employer, present, past or future. Please advise.


Discuss the advantages of understanding accounting as it relates to your current or future position. (Consider careers in management, sales, business operations, finance, and business ownership.)

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