

Question 1. The role of HR generalist is essentially limited to recruitment and selection. True False 2. A peer or manager who works closely with an employee to motivate him/her, help him/her develop skills, and provide reinforcement and feedback is known as a: coach. high-potential employee. protégé. facilitator. moderator. Top of Form 3. The 1938 […]

Glaser Health Products

In this case, management needs assistance in evaluating and classifying costs identified within Glaser Health Products in order to implement an activity-based costing system.  Please address Questions 1 through 6 at the end of the case.  Based on the case questions, you are required to provide a two to four double-spaced written report providing management […]

10 PowerPoint slides

10 PowerPoint slides on American Cancer Society.

ACC 561 Final Exam/ ACC 561 Final Exam (Updated)

49.Which of the following is an advantage of corporations relative to partnerships and sole proprietorships? Lower taxes. Harder to transfer ownership. Most common form of organization. Reduced legal liability for investors. 64. The group of users of accounting information charged with achieving the goals of the business is its auditors. creditors. managers. investors. 110. Which […]

Audit Risks

There are many types of risk that come into play during the audit process. Describe the following four main risks: Business risk Financial reporting risk Engagement risk Audit risk In your each of your descriptions, provide at least 1 example scenario, and answer the following: How would each of your examples be mitigated? Which do […]

Strayer ACC499 final exam part 2

Question 1 A CPA firm is considered independent when it performs which of the following services for a publicly traded audit client? A. tax return preparation as approved by the board of directors  B. basic accounting recordkeeping and financial statement preparation  C. accounting information system design and implementation  D. both B and C  E. none […]

Strayer ACC403 week 7 quiz

Question 1 Proper segregation of functional responsibilities calls for separation of: Answer authorization, execution, and payment. authorization, recording, and custody. custody, execution, and reporting. authorization, payment, and recording. Question 2 Management must disclose material weaknesses in internal control in its audit report: Answer whenever the weakness is deemed significant to a single class of transactions. […]

Strayer ACC403 week 2 quiz 1

Question 1 In “auditing” financial accounting data, the primary concern is with: Answer determining whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period determining if fraud has occurred.. determining if taxable income has been calculated correctly. analyzing the financial information to be sure that it complies with government requirements. Question […]


Buss: Acc (25) User Course Auditing I Test Midterm Exam Part 1 Started2/9/15 12:10 AM Submitted 2/9/15 1:29 AM Status Completed Attempt Score 125 out of 125 points Time Elapsed 1 hour, 18 minutes out of 2 hours. Instructions This midterm exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions and covers the material in Chapters 1 […]

Strayer acc305 Final Exam Part 1

Question 1 Which of the following statements is true when comparing the accounting for leasing transactions under U.S. GAAP with IFRS? The IFRS leasing standard is the subject of over 30 interpretations since its issuance in 1982. IFRS for leases is more “rules-based” than U.S. GAAP and includes many bright-line criteria to determine ownership. IFRS […]

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