
What is -19x=190

What is -19x=190

Round 9.74894007284 to the nearest whole number

Round 9.74894007284 to the nearest whole number

In the below eash letter stand with the differen

In the below eash letter stand with the different digit find the solution O N E + TWO + FOUR = SEVEN

Use the distributive property to write an equival

Use the distributive property to write an equivalent expression. Part A: 18×2 + 6 Part B: 35r2 – 21r

Deb recently bought a car for $34,000. Her resear

Deb recently bought a car for $34,000. Her research shows that the car will depreciate on an average of $1,200 per year. How long has Deb owned the car if the value if now is $28,000? I need help understanding this and how to write it. Ex: y= __x+__+__ or __x+__+__

50 head of cattle for $24,500 or 37 head of cattl

50 head of cattle for $24,500 or 37 head of cattle for $18,870

How can i solve 2asquared + a = negative4 by usin

How can i solve 2asquared + a = negative4 by using the quadratic formula?

On a number line, the distance between a number a

On a number line, the distance between a number and 20 is greater than or equal to 25. What is/are the number(s)?

finding part base rate

the total at Office product this year  are $713,340 which is  35% more than last years sales . what is  amount of last years sales ?

The number of baskets a company produces each day

The number of baskets a company produces each day is shown in the table Number of day,(d) Total baskets (b) 1. 45 2 90 3. 135 4. 180 a. Write the equation to find the total number of baskets crafted in any number of days. Describe the realationship in words. b. Use the equation to […]

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