Essay 1 Instructions ESSAY PROJECT #1: Human Form in Early Civilization Prompt: All early civilizations – prehistoric, Near East, Egyptian, Aegean, and Roman – attempted to represent the human figure within their art. Within this essay, provide a comprehensive analysis of the similarities and differences in the representation of the human form in these early […]
Two stories you should read and anwer the qoustions in the attatchment below “Where Architectural Historians Fear to Tread” “Walking through Dumbarton Oaks Early Twentieth-century Bourgeois Bodily Techniques and Kinesthetic Experience of Landscape “ seacondly, see the sheet in qoustion 10 that you should be writing an eassy with 250 words.
I would like to re-write a recommendation in a strong way. I will give you some basic details that you should include I need it in 12 hours
Prompt: Part 1 – Chapter 4: Assess the methods of two archaeologists whose work is discussed in this chapter. How have they recovered, reconstructed, and interpreted the material culture of the Aegean Bronze Age? Conduct research to find at least one other historical culture whose “material culture” was discovered in the same manner. Cite your […]
Hi professor, I was planning to get an A in this class, so I did all the work in time and as good as I can make it, So I want to ask you for feedback about me and my work in general, and what I should do to improve what is missing in my […]
Select 3 artworks to critique (one must be 2-D and one must be 3-D, the third is your choice). Include the following information in your discussion of each piece. Use this form for notes; The assignment is to be typed (12pt font, dbl spaced) and turned in along with this form. Student Name_________ Gallery / […]
W6 Discussion “Conceptual Art” Introduction to Modern Art Conceptual Art Please respond to the following discussion topic and submit it to the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length. Then, make at least two thoughtful responses to your fellow students’ posts. Explain why some critics explain conceptual art as an attack […]
Virtual Museum Visit This week, answer all three of the questions below. You should reference your book as well as online materials for the answers to these questions (remember to cite outside resources). Your answers should be in essay format, be a minimum of three-five sentences each, and include at least three glossary terms per question. […]
For your final project, you will complete a virtual art museum visit and thoroughly discuss two to four works. Please pay close attention to the following assignment criteria. Go to this “gallery” website for referencing your Final Project: You should already be familiar with this website from your previous weeks’ work. As you may have […]
Postmodernism and Neo-Expressionism For this week, answer all three of the following questions. Cite at least one example in your response for each question. You should reference your book to help you answer these questions. If you use additional sources, you must cite them. Your answers should be in essay format, be a minimum of three-five sentences […]