Art & Design

How can i return Json string from this ?

How can i return Json string from this ? And then use the json to use a ajax.public ActionResult RateMovie(FormCollection collection){string movieId = collection[“movieid”];string rateInfo = collection[“rateinfo”];if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(movieId)){return View(“Error”);}if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(rateInfo)){ return RedirectToAction(“Detail”, “MovieApp”, new { id = movieId });}string username = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;int id = Int32.Parse(movieId);Rating rating = MovieAppRepository.Instance.GetRatingsByID(id).Where(x => x.Username == username).SingleOrDefault();if(rating != null){rating.rating = Int32.Parse(rateInfo);}else […]

Humanities: Art and Design

Using 200-250 words, write your autobiography in mythic terms. Describe your birth, your mission in life, the villains you must outwit, and your magic powers.If you need my information to do this assignment please let me know in advance.. NO PLAGIARISM

Rococo Movement

Choose a work of Rococo or Neoclassical art and relate it to a contemporary work or social construct. What are some of the shared ideals or values that you see expressed, both in Rococo or Neoclassical art and in contemporary society? (see attached piece of art)

_____ appears to be a major factor in infants’ development of a sense of space independent of their own location.

_____ appears to be a major factor in infants’ development of a sense of space independent of their own location. Direct instruction from adults Experience being carried around complex rooms Self-locomotion The ability to sit up

Researcher Barnes is interested in infants’ ability to retrieve a hidden toy after relocating to the opposite side of the hiding place.

Researcher Barnes is interested in infants’ ability to retrieve a hidden toy after relocating to the opposite side of the hiding place. The first group of infants is carried to the opposite side, and the second group is encouraged to crawl to the opposite side. Which result would be expected? Infants who are carried to […]


To find the 3 Modern American art works with the theme “progress,” visit famous auction houses such as this one and this one, professional galleries, and other Internet sites, and choose paintings, sculptures, or photography that would represent Modern American works of art for the company’s headquarters.  For each work of art, create 2 paragraphs that include the following: […]

i updated the deadline.

i updated the deadline.  id rather you help me than the fellow with only 2 assignments under his belt

Name 3 types of dances, commonly found as individual movements within dance suites, which are usually in an overall A-B-A form

Name 3 types of dances, commonly found as individual movements within dance suites, which are usually in an overall A-B-A form

This is an opportunity for you to express how this course has given you a deeper understanding of country music through the lens of different…

fans. Pick a time period, region, venue, etc… and make a playlist for the occasion (20 songs minimum.) Then, in a 3-4 page essay, describe your venue/time period/region, explain a bit about each song, why you chose it, and why it is appropriate for the scenario you chose.

how do i find $200,000.00 art work

how to find art work on line for sale for the theme progress

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